Chapter 2

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Rex hurried into the classroom, sitting down just before the teacher turned around.

"Today," the teacher, Mrs. MacPherson, began, "we will be studying cellular reproduction. Turn to page one hundred sixty-two, please."

Rex fished her biology book out of her bag, then set it down on her desk with a small thud. The boy sitting next to her scowled. She winked, and he blushed, turning his attention back to his own studies.

"First we need to know what type of cell we are looking at." Mrs. MacPherson pointed to a diagram of plant and animal cells. "We studied these in the last module. Who can tell me a major difference between plant and animal cells?"

Several hands shot up, Rex's among them.

"Miss Lafayette?"

"A plant cell has a special cellular wall, whereas the animal cell does not," Rex said.

"Good. Now...."

Rex ignored her. She'd answered a question, and the teacher wouldn't bother her again. Besides, Mrs. MacPherson taught straight from the textbook. If she needed to know something, all she had to do was look it up.

She began to study her classmates, noting the empty desk which Zavier Cedric Tyndale usually occupied.

Crum. Where is he? she thought uneasily. Hopefully he's only running behind, not...... She let the thought trail off, ignoring the churning of her stomach. If he was missing.....

She breathed a small sigh of relief when he shoved the door opened and banged it shut, getting the entire class's attention.

"Good morning, Mr. Tyndale," Mrs. MacPherson said icily. "I see you decided to attend class this morning."

"Figured I might as well." His voice was smooth and velvety, with an almost inhuman quality to it.

"We're honored. Take a seat and let's move on."

Rex watched him as he took his seat. He was paler than usual, his black hair and black eyes contrasting with his skin.

Pale. Not enough blood.

She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the throbbing in the palm of her left hand.

"Miss Lafayette? Do you need to go to the nurse?" Mrs. MacPherson's voice penetrated her thoughts and feelings.

"No, ma'am. I just remembered something I forgot to do before school this morning."

The teacher nodded. "To continue with the lesson....."

He's going to be a handful today. He'll be after every single girl in school. The corners of her mouth twisted upwards into a wry smile. As much as they think they want it, they don't. Unless they're ready to die, carefully slit throats, blood sucked out of them. No one would be able to solve that murder. She turned her attention back to class just as the bell rang.

She was the first one out the door, and was hurrying down the hall when Zavier caught up to her. "Hey, baby." He smiled, revealing his fangs for a split second.

"Who are you after this time?" she snapped quietly.

"Nobody in particular. None of the girls have the right blood here," he replied quietly.

"I don't believe it for a moment."

"Oh well, Rex baby."

"Don't call me that! We're only close as a cover-up for school." Her tone was livid.


She said something under her breath.

"What was that?"

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