Chapter 3

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Thanks to @HarborKid for this awesome cover!! 💗💗


The Eden Hotel lived up to its name. It was a place of luxury and class, of dripping opulence. It took half a million dollars just to have a conference room for six hours, and about three thousand more if you wanted refreshments and dinner also.

Even though she'd been there many times, it still made Rex feel awed. The hotel itself was fifteen storeys high. The inside was decorated like some royal palace.

The very fact that Zavier could afford to host his meetings in such a place awed most of his potential business partners. It was a factor that he relied upon to a small extent, but he preferred other factors.

Rex stepped out of the limousine, her heels clicking on the tiles of the front entrance. She had chosen to wear a mint green dress with a rather plain front, a longer train, and a bare back, as well as matching heels and jewelry for the evening.

She glanced at Zavier. He was in an elegant tuxedo, and his hair had been carefully styled.

He's handsome, she thought. Shut up. He can read your mind.

"Thank you for the compliment," Zavier said aloud, smirking.

She growled.

They entered the conference room. "Mr. Roe and his boss should be here before long," he said. "All the contracts and such are ready, should they accept my offer."

"Which, of course, they can't refuse." She rolled her eyes.

He smiled, extending and showing his fangs, as he sat down. "Come here." His eyes showed a faint glimmer of red.

"Why?" she challenged.

"Because I told you to." His voice was ominously low.

She obeyed him. Anger sparked in her eyes.

He pulled her into his lap just as the door opened. Two men entered the room carrying briefcases.

Rex's breath caught in her throat at the sight of the younger man.

He was shorter than many, but not too short. He was muscular and lean like a well-fed wolf. In fact, his wolf like over all, with the careful styling of his hair and the hair on his arms that she could see. His eyes were brown like cinnamon, and his hair was either black or brown; she couldn't tell which. He bore himself like a wolf king.

"Mr. Tyndale," he said, "I'm Mannix Archer and this is my associate, Mr. Henry Roe."

"Zavier Tyndale at your service," Zavier replied, extending his hand. "And this is my associate, Rex Lafayette." He nodded to Rex, who tried to hide the anger in her eyes.

Mannix noticed it as he shook the vampire's hand. "Good to meet you, Miss Lafayette," he said, extending his hand to her.

His grasp was authoritative and strong, but not overpowering. Her pulse sped up. "Rex, please, Mr. Archer," she said demurely.

He smiled. "Then do me a favor and call me Mannix."

"Of course." She gave him her million diamond smile.

"So, shall we get down to business and have dinner after that?" Zavier asked.

"Business first, eating last, though I wish it were the other way around," Mannix replied.

Henry nodded and laughed. "This man eats like a wolf!" he exclaimed jovially.

His associate laughed heartily as he sat down. "That's one way of putting it."

Rex had slipped away about ten minutes into the meeting. She disliked listening to Zavier and whoever else talk about weapons. And she also didn't want her master reading her mind just then.

Mannix Archer was the most handsome man she had ever seen. Zavier hit a mere second next to him.

She was also certain he was a werewolf.

She herself was descended from a line of werewolves, at least on her father's side. On her mother's she was descended from several human/vampire interbreedings. There was one slight problem, however. She did not exhibit any of the traits from her supernatural ancestors, even though they were many and with dominant genes.

This became an even bigger problem when the fact that she was the last of both bloodlines was considered.

She shook her head, clearing her mind, trying to remember why she had come down this particular hall of the hotel. She snapped her fingers. Champagne.

She slipped into the kitchen, barely avoiding several collisions with busy staff before finding the cook, Markus.

"Ah, I was wondering when you would appear, Miss Rex," he said as soon as he saw her. "Champagne?"

She nodded. "Four glasses."

He set the bowl he'd been working with down. "It's a shame how Tyndale sends you down here like some bar girl," he said with heat as he grabbed the glasses.

"I don't really mind it, Marky. It gives me a break from listening to them yak about weapons and money and contracts and transportation and all that good garbage." She took the glasses from him and placed them on a silver tray that showed a perfect reflection of the room.

"Well, I suppose if you like it, it's not so bad. But I still don't like it." He pulled a small, fancy bucket from a cupboard and filled it with ice, then stuck an unopened bottle of champagne into it. "Here. Dinner will be ready as soon as it's called for." He winked.

Rex laughed as she placed the bucket on the tray. "I'll tell them. I hope we have plenty of red meat in tonight's dinner."

He chuckled. "You a werewolf or something?"

"Nope, not that I'm aware of. See you, Markus." She picked up the tray and was gone.

The three men were just shaking hands when Rex stepped in.

"It's a deal, then," Roe said, satisfaction evident in his voice. "And with one of the best weapons companies in the world."

Zavier laughed good naturedly. "Thank you, Mr. Roe." He noticed Rex. "Ah, there you are."

"I've brought some refreshments, if you don't mind." Her words were to the room but she addressed them to Mannix.

"Not at all," Zavier replied for them all. "Would you do the honors, Rex?"

"Me?" She laughed as she opened the bottle. It made a satisfying pop. "Here you are." She handed a glass to Mannix, then to Roe. She saved Zavier for last, contemplating whether it would be a good idea to poison him.

All four glasses clinked together in a toast, and small talk began. Mannix managed to corner Rex. "So, would you mind telling me a little bit about yourself?"

She pretended to consider for a moment. "I suppose not, but only on one condition," she replied coquettishly.

"And what's that?" He was beginning to like her even more.

"You'll tell me a little bit about yourself too." She winked.

He grinned.


Hey, y'all!!!

How's it going so far? I know it's kinda slow, but I promise it'll get interesting soon....😏

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Your Writer,

Tyonna Alinna

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