Chapter 10

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Prince Trelane Vincent III groaned as the ringing of his smart phone jolted him awake. He reached for it and was about to turn it off when saw who was calling. He answered it. "Lord Zavier? It's midnight. Why are you disturbing me?"

"Your Highness, this is of the utmost importance," Zavier replied, trying desperately to conceal the shakiness in his voice. "We've found the princess."

"The princess!?" He sat bolt upright, throwing the sheets down to reveal his shirtless chest. "You've found her!?"

"Yes, Your Highness, about two hours ago." Zavier's voice sounded as if he had been wincing the prince had spoken, or, more accurately, shrieked, into the phone.

"Bring her to the council at once!"

"We're on our way." He hung up abruptly before Trelane could ask her name.

Trelane stared at the phone, sprang out of bed, dressed, and headed for the halls.

"Mannix is coming too."

"But he's a we-"

"I know." Rex turned to glance at Mannix, who was in the process of draining a beer that Zavier had offered him. "Right, Mannix?"


Rex sighed. "You're coming with us."

"Why? I don't want to be in a hive of vampires," he replied, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Because Her Majesty told you to," Zavier stated.

"My name is Rex. Anyhow," she continued, glancing up at the ceiling with an impish grin she couldn't quite hide, "you wouldn't want me facing Prince Trelane myself, would you? He's known for stealing slaves and being quite a ladies man."

Mannix laughed. "I guess you're right, Your Majesty." He grinned.

Rex gave a wolf-like growl and winked.

"Let's go then," Zavier said. He was less than thrilled about Mannix accompanying them.

"Just one question, Zavier," Rex said. "What was the vampire prince doing in bed at midnight sleeping?"

"Ummmm........ He probably wasn't sleeping. bed."

"It's kind of obvious he wasn't in bed with someone, and he sure sounded like you'd just woken him up," she replied, raising an eyebrow.

"How would you know? He wasn't on speaker phone," Zavier challenged as they began moving towards the door.

She grinned. "Wolves have incredibly good hearing, as do vampires."

He stopped suddenly, which made Rex walk right into him. "You're........ transforming?" he asked in a weak voice.

She nodded.

Zavier turned to Mannix. "Got any of that beer left? It's been a tough night."

Mannix chuckled. "Nope. Sorry," he said as he opened the door and stepped outside.

The door shut of its own accord and Zavier was about to open it when Rex spoke. "Here," she said, holding a slit wrist in front of his face.

His fangs slid out and he gently brought her wrist to his mouth, and began to drink. Rex looked slightly faint, but she continued letting him drink.

He dropped her wrist a few seconds later, then carefully drew blood from his arm and let it drip onto her wound. "Thanks," he whispered, searching her eyes with his, trying to find an answer for why she had truly submitted herself to him for the first time ever.

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