❥ Chapter 17.

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If feels like ages since I uploaded

Issac's P.O.V.

I towel dry my hair letting it flop over my forehead and pick out a shirt. My date with Ellie is tonight but I wish it wasn't, I wish I could cuddle up to Darcy after the day we've had and watch movies like we did last night.

I hear her laugh from downstairs, I smile, she's watching tv in the living room.

After what she told me today I want nothing more then to just hold her and tell her it's going to be okay.

A lot of her heartache is over her dad leaving, Andrew was the same when our grandad sadly passed away but all his life he'd suffered with mental illness that none of us knew about.

I'm just happy she's let me in, I can tell she feels better having let it out, I just don't get why her brother specifically didn't want me to know.

"Big date tonight?" Amelia smirks from the doorway, "Hardly" I roll my eyes.

"Is Darcy staying the night?" She smiles, sounding hopeful.

"Yeah, I don't want her being around her arsehole brother" I roll my eyes yet again, I didn't want to control what she does but her brother called her a mental box and is always vile to her and I don't want to see her upset.

"And you're going out so it's just gonna be me and her?" She raises her eyebrows, a smile picking up on her mouth.

"Yes?" I eye her weirdly but ignore it, "I'll be back late tonight depends on what we end up doing" I shrug, Amelia gives me a disgusted look, "I didn't mean that"

I wasn't exactly looking forward to this date, I like Ellie but not romantically, we've always just been friends and I'm going to have to tell her how I feel tonight.

I wonder downstairs smiling when I see Darcy watching the tv wrapped in a blanket, "Cold?" I raise my eyebrows.

She looks up, taken back for a minute she stumbles for words, "K-kinda" She composes herself trying to cover up that she just dragged her eyes all over me, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Put this on" I smile handing her my folded up hoodie from the done washing pile, "Thank you" She smiles and puts it on.

"I'll be back later, Amelia's here so she'll come keep you company" I pull out my phone checking the time.

"Have a good night" She smiles sounding half-hearted, I give her one last smile before leaving the house. I let out a breath of air when I reach the car and stick the keys in the ignition.

"Let's go" I mumble under my breath and start driving, my mind flickers back to Darcy as I cruise along the deserted streets to Ellie's house.

I don't know what's gonna happen tonight but I know Ellie won't be happy. I've never looked at her like that, ever, I've grown up with her, where as Darcy, when I first met her she was a ball of nerves but I fell for it instantly.

I have to stop thinking about Darcy I asked Ellie on a date and she deserves a good time so I shouldn't be thinking about another girl, but I can't seem to help it, I'm always thinking about her.

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