❥ Chapter 30.

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i'm saying this all the time now but thank you for 4,000+ reads this is incredible i love you all.

I really wish I was anywhere but here.

I can feel my body sweaty in crevices I don't want it to, my nerves are sky rocketing. I sit in reception of my college waiting for Louise.

I wasn't going to come but I know if I don't, Issac will be upset with me later when I want it to be fun and happy. I have a few places in mind to take him.

I see people looking at me, they know why I'm here and they all give me sympathetic looks. I can't stand it, "Darcy?" Louise smiles down at me.

"Ready to go?" She tilts her head, I nod.

We walk down a corridor and into a first aid room where there's a examination couch, two chairs, a little table and a surface area with a sink.

I sit down and avoid looking at her, pulling my hoodie sleeves up and over my hand, fiddling with it.

"Before we start I just have to go over the important stuff" She looks at me. "Anything that is said in this room is just between us, I don't share this with anyone else. The only time I break that rule is to tell your GP if I think you're a danger to yourself or others"

I nod to her words, "Okay" I avoid making eye contact with her. I look at the pale walls, plane white with a few first aid posters up.

"So, let's start" She smiles, her soft eyes looking at me, "First tell me a bit about yourself" She rests her elbows on her knees.

I open my mouth but nothing escapes my lips, I don't know what to say as I slowly realise that there's not much about me to tell, "I love art" I mumble.

"Is that a course you're doing here?" She asks, "Yes, I've always wanted to come and do an art course" I smile a small smile to myself.

"Why's that?" She looks interested.

"It's a way for me to express myself, art is something that I think everyone finds beautiful in a way. Art always has hidden messages with in it" I look at her, her cheeks are a tint of pink, I'm guessing that's a shade of blusher and her skin is a tannish colour.

"How do you express yourself within art?" She moves one elbow from her knee positioning it into a fist and resting her chin on it. "Normally I express my emotions into it, if I'm happy I draw what makes me happy, but if I'm sad or angry I normally just let the pencil flow because I don't know what I'll draw, sometimes it's a broken flower or a girl crying, it's always something different"

"I see" She nods, I can tell she's thinking.

She takes a long pause filling the air with silence, "Darcy I'm here to help you, but I'll only be seeing you once a week so in the mean time I need to teach you how to look after yourself in those 6 days I'm not with you"

"You're the only one who can fight this, I'm just here to help you through that, we'll have six sessions, once a week and see how you are after that" Her voice is gentle, long pauses between sentences.

"But I need to know some things first before I can help you, I really need you to open up to me" She smiles catching my eyes.

I nod, "So, tell me your story" She sits back.

I take a pause before answering, my nerves building, "Well it all started from when I was little"

"Darling Darcy" Issac's beaming smile appears in front of me.

I smile, the weather is beautiful today with the sun shining. I dressed myself in some black velvet loose shorts and a crop top.

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