❥ Chapter 21.

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This chapter will hopefully pull the story together a bit more.

"W-What are you doing?" I stutter nervously, why has Issac tried to kiss me?

Why has he tried to kiss you?? Who would even want to kiss you?

I shake my head, "Darc, I can't hold it in any longer, just listen to me" He tries to reach for my hand but I snatch it away.

I always feel so comfortable with Issac, I let him undress me and cuddle me but when he tries to kiss me I freak out?

"Hold what in?" I think I know the answer, my body heats up and I start to panic.

"Darcy can't you see it? I can't hold in my feelings for you anymore. I tried to respect your decision to stay friends but it's to hard Darc" He looks sad, scared.

He's lying.

I shake my head, confused, "But" I stumble for words, "What about Ellie?"

"Ellie isn't you Darcy" He steps towards me taking my hand is his, "Darc, I can't explain my feelings towards you, I think I'm falling for you more and more everyday" He talks above a whisper.

Is he telling me he loves me?

I start to heat up, I feel like I'm trapped in a sauna and I can't get out, can't breath.

"Issac-" He cuts my sentence off, "From the first minute I saw you you were completely perfect to me and I hadn't even spoken to you"

"I didn't take you to all those places and do things with you because I wanted to make you feel the same way back I just wanted to see that smile" He strokes my cheek, "I know you feel the same way Darc, you're just scared" He frowns.

I frown my eyebrows growing annoyance quickly, "How do you know how I feel?" I pull my hands out of his, "Why does everyone think they know how I feel?" I walk out the ocean, cold and shivering I grab my bag.

"Darc! Don't leave" He comes after me, "No Issac, why couldn't you just stay my friend?, I need you as my friend Issac I don't want to do this alone" I find tears well up in my eyes as I shove things in my bag and tung it onto my shoulder.

"You're not alone, I'm still here!" He looks panicked, his eyes wide and his hands trying to keep me close to him but I step back.

"No you're not, you had to complicate things" Tears roll down my eyes, "I can't carry on like this when I know how you feel! It's not fair anymore for you Issac" I walk away but again, he stops in front of me.

I want to leave, the ocean waves aren't calming anymore, they're loud and angry smashing against the sand, "Darcy" He takes hold of me.

The waves grow louder and feel bigger even though I can't see them, "Just listen to me"

"Let go" I cry, I feel like the waves are chasing me, "I want to go" He tries to stop me from walking off and for the first time I feel trapped in his arms just like when Ezra tried to stop me from leaving.

I tug and fidget against him, "Darcy! Stop!" He shouts in my face and I'm stunned into silence, waves boom in my head, "I know you feel the same way, just allow yourself to feel it"

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