Chapter 20

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I'm pulling my traditional New Year's Eve/New Year's Day all-nighter, so I'll probably be writing quite a bit tonight.
We'll see how that works out.
It's 9:30 here, so we've got about two and a half hours before it's 2018. I'm pretty excited.
Anyone else ready for the new year? Any resolutions you'd like to share down below? I don't really have any yet, but I suppose there's still a little time for me to come up with something.
Prechapter question, who's your favorite character so far?
As always, thoughts/opinions on the chapter are welcomed below.

Derek spends the rest of the afternoon absorbed in the screen of his cell phone, eventually turning his music up so loud that I can hear it faintly through his earbuds from my side of the room.

At six o'clock, I ask if he's going to dinner, and when he tells me he'll be there in a bit I reluctantly head out alone.

I attach myself to the end of the cafeteria line, making my way steadily toward the food. Reaching my destination, I collect dinner without paying too much immediate attention to what's being served.

I'm absorbed in my own thoughts, focusing on the events of today's assembly and my upcoming meeting with Tara. I'm so out of it that I don't notice the intruder at my table until I sit down.

Creighton's sitting in her usual place. She's brought her computer to dinner tonight, focusing more attention on it than the nearby glass of lemonade. I can't help noticing that her laptop has one of those expensive- looking cases, and from where I sit I can make out the letters C.E.H. written across its surface.

I vaguely wonder how much that case alone was, but before I can comment on it someone speaks from next to me.

"You know, I really can't stand being ignored. People seem to think that if they treat me as though I'm not around, then maybe I'll just disappear."

My gaze goes to Marco, who's clearly been sitting here long before I arrived. The irritation is written clearly across his face as he frowns over the table at Creighton.

He's sitting in the place where Amber used to sit, and I almost snap at him for it.

Creighton doesn't look at him, her attention still mainly focused on her computer screen. She's pressing the same series of keys every few seconds, and I'd guess she's playing some sort of game.

"What do you want, Marco?" she wonders, her tone neutral.

"I just wanted to say," Marco sneers, running his right index finger along a slash mark on his opposite hand, "that you don't know who you're messing with."

This time, Creighton does look at him. She's contemplating her response when Marco decides to keep talking.

"I remember," he says, his sneer still in place, "that you used to say you'd never run against Amber for that prefect position. I figured that meant you'd never gun for her spot, either, but looks like I was wrong. What would she say if she knew you did something like that? You think she'd feel betrayed at all?"

He smiles, continuing before she has the chance to cut him off.

"Who knew, C," he spits her nickname like it's a curse, "I didn't think you were capable of that. As if it's not enough that you're gunning for your best friend's old position, you thought it would be smart to take on Yumi? You're the only person who could beat her, but you know she deserves it more than you. Seems like you're in the business of making some major enemies."

"Marco-" Creighton is staring at him as though trying to make sense of what he's saying.

"Nah," he waves a hand, still smiling, "save it. I get it. You think you know what you're doing, but you have no idea what's coming. No idea. I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out who has the real power around here. You'll regret ever having questioned me."

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