Chapter 26

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Derek takes off for Amber, starting off the second round of this terrifying battle.

I'm not sure what I'm expecting Amber to do when Derek grabs her wrist. I don't think Derek's really wondering about that, either, because he looks pretty taken aback when Amber hisses at him.

"Don't do that," Derek orders, "I'm trying to help you."

Almost like a serpent, Amber hisses for a second time, turning her head to bite down on Derek's arm.

"Damn!" Derek swears, letting go. As soon as he releases her, Amber pounces on him. Her fingers are around his throat in less than a minute as she pins him to the ground beneath her.

I run forward,bending over the two of them and trying to pry her fingers from my roommate's neck. She's strong, though, and I'm forced to resort to other measures.

If I can't pull her off, maybe I can make her angry enough to turn on me instead.

I take her elegant braid in one hand, pulling furiously.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Yumi reaching for my sister, and Tara promptly disappears.

"Wow babe," Marco is saying, glancing at Lauren who has sank to the ground with exhaustion, "we've got the teleporter who might not be able to get back now that she's taken off, and the little girl who can't handle playing big kid games. Then over here we've got Vision Girl, the healer who can't even help himself right now, and the new kid in school who doesn't even have powers. It's going to be hard to make this a fair fight. It's a good thing I don't play fair."

Yumi laughs, advancing on Lauren while Marco moves to stand in front of Creighton.

Amber has finally released Derek, who's left gasping for air. Amber has turned her head to look at me, and for a fraction of a second I think I can make out something like horror in her gaze.

It's gone as quickly as it appeared, though, and I'm left to wonder if I saw it at all.

"Let go of me." Amber snarls, one of her hands reaching behind her head to tug my fingers away from her hair.

"I don't think so." I decline, pulling her up along with me as I get to my feet. Derek follows a moment later, still trying to catch his breath.

"How's your arm?" I wonder, wrapping my free hand around one of Amber's wrists as I struggle to keep a grip on her.

"It's fine," Derek decides, "you look like you need some help."

As soon as he says it, Amber rips herself free from my clutches, hissing and snarling.

"I'm on it," Derek says, "you help them. I've got this."

I turn around, surveying the other fights that are still very much in progress.

Marco and Creighton are throwing punches at one another, and Marco's nose is bleeding pretty heavily.

Yumi keeps advancing on Lauren, who manages to summon enough wind with a weak flick of her wrist to send the older girl flying back each time.

I'm about to turn back to Derek, to tell him he needs the help more than either of them, when Marco freezes in his tracks. He absorbs Creighton's next punch without a reaction, his left arm going out to the side. He makes a complicated motion with his fingers, and the deepest shadows begin to stir.

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