Chapter 9

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Anabiya's P.O.V

"Aachhuuu!" I sneezed for like 30000th time and my dear brother again gave me an annoyed look for interrupting his movie.

"Your sneeze is so.... low voiced. Complete opposite of how you normally speak." He teased and I scowled though I knew he was right.

I buried deep into my blanket and pulled up the hood of my hoodie, shivering.

"Girl you ain't in Alaska!" Suhail exclaimed as he pulled off the blanket ruthlessly, which earned him a smack on his head from my father.

"She's not well, don't trouble her!" Dad warned and I stuck my tongue out at my brother.

Daddy's girl for life!

"Yeah don't trouble my baby! Anabiya, go to your room. I'll give you some soup and medicines." My mother stepped in and checked my forehead, as she shook her head disapprovingly.

Yeah momma's girl too!

I wrapped my blanket around me as I got up slowly and walked to my room..... Damn this floor is so cold!

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.

And then I felt a shooting pain in my head.... then it got to my jaws and ears.

If someone is hammering a nail inside my head, then please stop!

And as I thought it couldn't get any worse now, today's events flashed right in.


I let out a small groan as I massaged my temples.

Arhaan Sir does the same.


And before my messed up mind could flow out with more trash thoughts, mommy entered, with a worried face and soup along with medicines.

The horrendous looking, pale coloured, huge as Jupiter pills made me more sick.

And as if my mom heard my thoughts, she glared at me.

"Anabiya, no more running away from these medicines. You have fever, you'll have to take this!" She ordered as I gulped, looking at her.

"But mumma, you know what science says... too much of pills are not good... and this is the natural way out body fights with the germs and stuff...." I tried to give some shitty explanation which made my mom roll her eyes.

"Have it... NOW. Or else I'll call Omar and then even you know, you can't get away without the injection." My mother smirked.

All colours drained away from my face as I thought about the needle piercing into my skin.

Omar being a doctor meant that he was really particular about this health stuff. Though he was a neurosurgeon, he made sure to take care of the basic health of his family and friends.

And you know brown parents.... they just need one doctor in the family or in friend circle, running to him/her for even a minor cold, irrespective of the field of the poor doctor!

And I remember, four months back when I had food poisoning and I was throwing tantrums regarding the pills, Omar literally dragged me to his hospital, and well got me injected.


'But you actually got better and you literally told him that you love him and he's great...', my inner voice commented with a snicker.

'But then I also said EWWWW when my I came back into my senses.' I retorted.

I slowly drank my soup as my mother watched me. As I took the last sip, my mother called my father.

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