Chapter 24

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I went to sleep with music in my soul, drenched in the melody of every word You spoke......

Arhaan woke up and saw the time.

It was noon.

After spending those moments with Anabiya, Arhaan didn't sleep. Instead he prayed.

He was surprised too.

The guy, from the past few days have been neglecting his some prayers, especially the Isha Salah. And as far as Tahajjud is concerned, it was like many months ago Arhaan last prayed.

But well, after he returned to his room, he prayed his Tahajjud salah and felt peace. More peace.

And he then slept coming back after praying his Fajr Salah in the nearby mosque.

And thus, he woke up at this time.

He quickly took a shower and got ready as he remembered his 'date' with threeof his bestfriends who are his childhood buddies from Dubai.

Also, he was expecting to see her.... Anabiya.

Arhaan smiled when he remembered how Anabiya took his name and told him not to miss his salah.

Indeed, she had something different about herself.


Anabiya groaned as she heard her phone ring again and she again ignored it.

Nobody messes up with her sleep!

But then her phone went off again, this time accompanied with a knock on her door.

She groaned loudly and sat up and looked at the caller ID.


She then looked at the time and a gasp escaped her lips.

"EFFING ONE IN THE AFTERNOON!", she yelled and quickly answered the phone.

"HELLO? ANABIYA? Gosh are you dead or something? Why weren't you picking up my calls? And here I'm outside your room. OPEN THE DOOR!", Tanya was yelling and Anabiya ran towards the door and opened it.

Tanya was fuming but she looked amazing in her light, casual clothes.

As the deal was done before time, and just few paperwork was left, which Anabiya took care of already, the team and Arhaan decided to spend the remaining two days just to relax and as a holiday.

Also for the success of such a huge deal, Saeed Industries and Group decided to give some incentive bonus to the team who helped with this deal.

And as planned a day before, everyone was going out for a day out and also the Shawarma place, but clearly Anabiya slept through it.

"What? You're just gonna stand here? SAY SOMETHING!", Tanya said and Anabiya nodded and moved aside to let Tanya in.

She quickly turned towards the other side and spoke up.

"Yeah, sorry! I'm so sorry! I was sleeping and yeah we're late. I'll just go get ready you all can proceed."

Tanya raised her eyebrows.

"You think I'm gonna go without you? You're crazy? And why are you not looking at me?", Tanya asked as she walked in front of Anabiya and Anabiya quickly covered her mouth.

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