Chapter 15

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Uncomfort.... Hurt.... Uneasiness.... he felt all of it at the same time.

Some may say these are the signs of a heart attack but well the guy was suffering from a heartbreak and isn't that related to breaking of a heart too?

The only difference is that during the physical heartattack, the veins suffer while in the heartbreak, the soul suffers.

Sadly, this young neurologist knew nothing as to cure this. He knew about brains but what about the heart?

Omar sighed as he blew the last puff from his fourth cigarette of the evening and then discarded it in the ashtray that lay in front of him.

He stared at the dancing aesthetics of the sky and wondered what went wrong or what was he lacking.

And as he was about to grab another cigarette he heard someone clearing their throat.


''You know mom will kill you if she finds out.", Sanaya said in a plain voice as she settled on the swing beside her brother's chair.

"Mom's out for shopping.", Omar deadpanned.

Sanaya just stared at her brother, worried.
She knew her brother smoked though it was not a good habit and well, actually worse for a doctor himself. But she didn't mind as it was a rare thing. He rarely smoked.
But now he looked different. His handsome features were masked with a serious, dark one and the cigarette smell and smoke were making it look worse.

"She said no,right? She doesn't like me, right?", Omar suddenly said as he dragged Sanaya out of her thoughts and Sanaya shook her head.

"No... I don't know, Omar. I don't know.", Sanaya replied as frowned remembering last evening's events.

But then she asked who informed Omar about the almost rejection to his proposal.

"Ruhina texted me yesterday saying you guys are about to tell Anabiya about... uhm... me. But then when I asked her what happened and stuff she didn't reply and well seeing your mood too, I figured out.", Omar explained and Sanaya gave a small smile.

"She said she isn't ready for a relationship. Not with you, not with anyone else.", Sanaya truthfully said and Omar looked at her, a glint of hope in his eyes.

"That means she doesn't love anybody else? Like she doesn't have any other guy in her life?", Omar questioned and Sanaya looked away.

"I don't know..... she said so. She said she has moved on.... from...." Sanaya paused.

"Zayd.", Omar completed the sentence with just one word and one name, anger seeping through his voice as he said the name.

All the colour drained from Sanaya's face and she just stared at her brother, dumbfounded. This thing was supposed to be a secret. Then how did Omar know?

"H-how.... how do you know about Zayd?", Sanaya finally found her voice and words.

"Zayd and us, we all were in the same school. We still had some Mutual friends from school. The others only know that Zayd liked Anabiya and Anabiya liked him back. And then nobody knows what happened and then Zayd again went back to New York. But I know, I know what you know, Sanaya.... I know.", Omar said as he let out a humour-less chuckle.

"How?", Sanaya again questioned, this time her voice raising a bit.

Omar glanced at his sister and sighed.

"Zayd. He told me."

"You don't know Anabiya's side of the story.", Sanaya pointed out and Omar nodded.

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