Chapter 11

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Today I decided to bring a bag of popcorn for lunch and push forward my grieving as an excuse if anyone were to ask about it. Olivier gives me a very unimpressed stare when I pull it out of my bag in the cafeteria. Lucas does quite the opposite and looks at me as though I'm a god. I try to open it but the bag is smacked out of my hand by Oli. "No!" he exclaims but somehow still manages to sound soft. "That is not healthy, you're not going to eat that for lunch."

I pout at him. He crosses his arms and pouts right back. Lucas his eyes flash back and forth between us as he slowly reaches for the popcorn and drags it towards him, then hugs it to his chest. Suddenly Olivier smiles and hands me his own lunch box. I look at it in shock and hand it right back. "Dude, no, I'm not going to eat your food." "Lucas eats your food, I eat his and you eat mine. You will be healthy and Lucas will get diabetes." he explains happily. I burst out in laughter and punch the top of the table a few times. When I look up I see the saddest look ever on Lucas his face. "I'm not getting diabetes." he mutters. Olivier pats him on the shoulder. "Yes you are." he says comfortingly and I start laughing again.

"Reiss." someone says behind me and I try to sober up. "Y-yes?" I choke out and bite back a laugh. I turn my head and meet gray eyes. He seems amused by my struggling. Sadist. "I forgot to ask when we're gonna do the next tutoring session." he says. I raise an eyebrow and smile smugly at him. "And you forgot about this amazing thing called texting?" I drawl. Terrence his cheeks grow the faintest bit red. "I have crippling depression, leave me alone." he bites back with a grin and I almost lose my shit again. Oh how I love memes.

"When do you have time?" I ask and pull out my phone, opening the agenda. "Would tonight work or is that too short notice?" he asks. I tap it into my phone. "Nah it's fine. I'll awkwardly tag along behind you and your friends again after school."

He smiles brightly and thanks me, then he walks off. Olivier is frowning at me. "What are you teaching him?" he asks. "La langue d'amour." I say and send him a wink. The French boy blushes and Lucas makes fake gagging sound. I enjoy eating Oli's delicious food.

After school I do as I told Terrence and awkwardly follow him and his friends to his house. That one guy is still giving me the evil eye. His brother isn't with them and I remember how he told me the guy locked himself in his room. I wonder if he came out yet? I mean that literally, I'm not going to assume his sexuality. In attempt to kill the time and seem too awkward I stare at my phone, willing for a notification to pop up or something. Holy shit it actually worked, I'm officially a jedi. It's a friend request on facebook from Olivier. I don't waste a single second and accept it immediately with a smile on my face.

We enter the kitchen again via the backdoor. Laurence is seated at the table, casually eating some cornflakes. He looks like a mess but for some reason I'm glad he's sort of okay. I mean he's eating something. That's gotta be a good sign.

"Hey Rence." Terrence his friend says with a fond smile. Laurence smiles back and they stare at each other. Oh my God, they so like each other. The atmosphere suddenly becomes very awkward when they look away from each other. Either something happened between them or they're still in the denial phase. I mean now guy looks at another guy that way without being into them. Wait. Four out of five guys here are confirmed gays. Do gay guys just somehow flock together with the help of an invisible force? This is insane.

Terrence clears his throat. "Reiss, this is my twin brother, Laurence. Laurence, this is Reiss, he's my French tutor."

Laurence raises his eyebrow and continues chewing on his cereal. "You need help with French?" he asks. Terrence nods. "You realise you could've just asked Marie, right?"

Terrence his face goes blank and he stares off into space. Then he leans with his back against the wall behind him and slides down to the floor. His brother just shakes his head at him. Laurence seems amused and a little bit smug. I don't feel attracted to him anymore though. I'm proud of myself.

I walk over to the pile of sadness on the ground and nudge it with my foot. He doesn't react. "Does this mean I get to go home early?" I ask Laurence. He shrugs and continues eating in silence. The girl sits down next to him and lays her head on his shoulder as she does stuff on her phone. The guy with the blonde curls is still angry at my existence and the black haired guy is trying not to cry. What a weird bunch of people. I shrug and start making my way to the backdoor.

But there's a hand that latches itself onto my ankle. I look down and frown at Terrence in confusion. "Wait!" he yells. "Spiers gave us homework today and I really need some help with it." he says, sprawled across the kitchen floor on his stomach and a pout on his face as he stares up at me.

With a dramatic roll of my eyes I pull him onto his feet and push him towards the stairs. "Let's go then."

We're halfway through the assignment when Terrence groans in frustration and throws his pen out the window. Seriously, he really just threw it out then dropped his papers on the floor and frowned at me. My eyes are still looking at the widow as I try to bite back a smile.

I shake my head as I chuckle under my breathe. "Dude, such a waste of a great pen." I say and chuckle again. Terrence grins at me. "I just figured that without a pen I can't do the assignment and would get to do more fun stuff." he says. I just hum in thought and lay down on my back with my arms folded behind my head and tap my feet. His bed is way softer than mine. So not fair.

My eyes fall closed as I enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, but the sudden feeling of a hand on my abdomen makes me open them again. I narrow my eyes at Terrence, the owner of the hand. "What are you doing?" I ask slowly. Terrence bites his lip and smiles at me. "Nothing." he drawls. His thumb continues rubbing my stomach. It's actually really comfortable and I find myself humming contently as my eyes close themselves again.

There's a soft, slightly wet touch on my cheek that makes me flinch and sit up slightly. My eyes focus on Terrence who is suddenly very close. "Did you just kiss my cheek?" I ask in confusion. He blushes and mumbles a barely audible 'maybe'. I shrug and lay down again, this time keeping my eyes open and staring at the ceiling. It's way more clean than my bedroom ceiling. My hands start getting fidgety and I tap my fingers on my thighs.

"Do you happen to have a guitar?" I ask and drag my eyes over to Terrence. His blush has died down a bit and he shakes his head. "A tennis ball?" I ask. He shakes his head again. "A cup?" I ask and this time he nods. "Why though?"

I shrug. "I have a hard time sitting still." I tell him. Realisation dawns on his face. "You have ADHD or something?" he asks with a smirk. I just nod at him. There's a moment of silence before Terrence speaks again. "There is something you could do..." he trails off with a new blush covering his cheeks. I look at him in anticipation. "What?" I ask. His answer is unexpected. "Me."

One of Those Nights (boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя