L x Reader: Join Me pt.2

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(Y/n)'s POV
We went to a hotel room and sat down. An older man handed Ryuzaki and ice cream cone.

"Would you like one miss..." the old man asked, waiting for my name.

"(F/n). And yes please, if it's no trouble." I answered, smiling a little.

"Of course, it's no trouble at all." He said kindly, handing me an ice cream cone.

"Thank you very much, sir!" I smiled brightly. He smiled and chuckled then walked away. "So is Ryuzaki an alias you use?" I asked, turning back to Ryuzaki. His eyes got big then quickly went back to normal.

"Yes. It is." He answered, looking into my eyes as I stared back into his. "Now, let us exchange information."

A Few Months Later
I've been helping the task force for a few months now. I haven't gone back to my parents house since I left and they haven't been looking for me so I guess it worked out okay. Over my time helping L and the others, I've developed romantic feelings for L, AKA Ryuzaki. I plan on telling him soon. I can't seem to focus on my computer screen today since I've been thinking about telling him how I feel. Ryuzaki noticed something was troubling me. We've grown quite close.

"Hey (f/n), are you alright?" He asked me, staring into my eyes, causing me to blush and look away.

"Yeah. I'm fine. But thanks, Ryuzaki." I smiled.

"Are you sure? Your face is red. Are you sick?" Ryuzaki pressed while putting his hand on my forehead, which just made my face get warmer and probably more red.

"I'm fine. I'm not sick. I just like someone.. a lot." I said without thinking. The room got quiet and everyone turned to watch us. I was suddenly able to concentrate extremely well on my computer screen.

"I told you she likes Ryuzaki!" Matsuda 'whispered' to the others and they shushed him. I shut my eyes tightly, suddenly feeling to urge to cry.

"(F/n)...-" Ryuzaki started speaking but I cut him off.

"Yes. I do like you, Ryuzaki. More than a friend. And yes, I also know you don't feel the same way about me so save your breath and just forget about it." I said loudly. A tear escaped my shit eye but I quickly wiped it away. I'm so stupid. What's wrong with me? Ryuzaki suddenly grabbed my arm and spun my chair around to face him. My eyes flew open from shock, which forced me to look at him as more tears escape my eyes. To look at his adorable face. To see what I can't have. To know I can't have this brilliant cutie. To see into his eyes. His eyes calmed me though. But I wanted to hug him. I wanted to hug him so very bad.

"You're wrong." Ryuzaki said with a small smile and slight blush gracing his cheeks. Then he kissed me. He kissed me so deeply and passionately. I kissed him back. Happily. I wrapped my arm around his neck and more tears slid down my pink cheeks. Happy tear this time. I was so happy that I almost couldn't hear Light angrily say, "we're here to solve a case, not to make babies." I lightly chuckled. We pulled away, needing air. Ryuzaki put his forehead on mine.

"(F/n), will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I kissed him again then hugged his as tight as I could.

"Of course, L." I smiled happily as he hugged me back.

The following days, as I researched, I sat on Ryuzaki's lap. As we found it helps us both work better. Because of this, Ryuzaki doesn't sit like a frog as much anymore. I've been so happy with him. I love him so much. We ended up solving the case rather quickly after we started dating. About two weeks afterwards. Light is Kira and he is in jail for life.

Word count: 662

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