Matsuda x Reader: Bubbles

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Matsuda's POV
I'm so useless...I'm not smart. I'm no help to the team. I always mess things up. Why was I even born? All I do is ruin things. (Y/n) is always sticking up for me though... would she stop if I told her how I feel about her? Would she isolate me? She probably will. I should be dead. The only reason I'm not is to see (y/n)'s smile and her gorgeous eyes..and hear her laugh and her theories. But I keep making mistakes. I'm such a nuisance.

I wipe my tears with my hand and curl up deeper into the corner of the dark closet. It makes me feel safer so I come here to let my tears out. All of a sudden the door opens and I gasp involuntary from shock and cover my face.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't know anyone was in here! M-Matsuda? Why are you in the closet?" (Y/n) asked in her sweet voice, concern draped over her words.

"Oh uh just relaxing ya know." I awkwardly chuckled as I quickly wiped the remainder of my tears from my face with a small smile. She frowned though.

"Matsuda, I know you were crying. Now what's wrong?" She asked sweetly and outstretched her arm to me.

"Just stressed about the case is all." I replied with a small chuckle and a pink face as I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. She looked at me skeptically, then her eyes lit up and a big smile broke out across her face.

"Here, follow me!" (Y/n) ordered excitedly and began running up the stairs of the tower L had built for the team. I immediately ran after her until we got to the roof. It's a nice day out but the sun was slowly getting lower. Right now the sky was blue fading to yellow and orange.

"Why are we up here?" I asked quietly, in awe of the view and slightly out of breathe from running up all those stairs.

"Well when I'm stressed, I like to come up here and blow bubbles.." (y/n) trailed off as she went to the side of the building and picked up two of the 8 individual bottles of bubbles and handed me one. "I know I sound like spongebob, but it actually does help relieve stress...well for me anyway." She chuckled and so did I. She handed me a bottle and began to open hers so I did the same.

Soon we were surrounded by bubbles from all directions and laughing as we talked.

"Look through a bubble at the sunset." (Y/n) said as her face was in front of a bubble facing the sunset. I did the same.

"Wow..." The colora of the sky were bent around the shape of the bubble but it was a crisp sight. "That's so cool." I said after my bubble popped and turned to (y/n) only to find that she was watching me with excitement filled eyes and a smile. I blushed n looked away. I think I should tell her I like her...

"(Y/n)..?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, Matsuda?" She replies, tilting her head a bit in confusion.

"Thank you for sharing this with me. It really does help..a-and I'm sorry b-but I like you. More than a fr-friend. I understand you don't like me that way and that's fine Because I know you can't control who you like and don't like. I'm sorry if this makes things awkward between us but I just felt you should know....right... well I'm- I should go now. Um goodnight." I ramble out awkwardly as she just stands there with her eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. I start to walk towards the door when she furrows her eyebrows and looks me in the eyes.

"How would you know that I don't feel the same way? You aren't stupid but you sure can be oblivious." She chuckles. I tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Oh for gods sake." She smiles and walks towards me wrapping her arms around my neck. Then she kissed me. Light's going to angry...and jealous. But jealous of ME this time..hehe

"I like you too, Matsuda."

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