Mikami x Reader: I'm here

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This is set during school when Mikami is getting bullied.

(Y/n)'s POV
I'm gonna be late for class if I don't hurry. I'm running down the hall, even though we aren't allowed to run in school. Which, by the way, is a stupid rule; no one follows it. Not even the teachers!
I was pulled from my thoughts by obnoxious laughing and loud thinking noises. Something is definitely wrong. I stop running and turn around, jogging towards the noise.
Once I turn the corner, I see the class president, Mikami, getting beat up again. It enrages me to see this happen to a guy who does nothing but good in this world of evil, no matter how many times he gets beat up.

"Hey! Stop hurting him!" I shout at them. They stop and turn to me, then start laughing again.

"What are you going to do about it, Pipsqueak?" The biggest one laughs and the others join in. Mikami still lies on the floor. They don't know I do Taekwondo, and that I happen to be the best that my sensei knows of.

"Teach you a lesson." I answer, causing them to laugh harder.

"Yeah, right. Now go run along to your mommy. She's probably already filed a report for her missing toddler." I roll my eyes as they turn back to Mikami. I notice his glasses lie on the floor, the glass shattered. So I pick up the frame that was mostly still intact and throw it at the bullies. Once they turn around, my foot is already in their faces. They fell down just like that. That was surprisingly easy. The get up and run away, trying to hide their tears. I roll my eyes at them again.
I run over to Mikami to see if he's still conscious.

"Mikami, are you alright? Are you still alive?" I ask urgently.

"Yeah.." he answered quietly, trying to get up but failing. So I help him. Blood and bruises cover his face and his nose is definitely broken.

"Let's get you to the infirmary." I smiled a little bit, trying to comfort him. He returned the smile and nodded. His left arm was over my shoulders, leaning almost all of his weight on me.

"Thank you..(Y/n).." he said after a short moment.

"It's no problem. They beat you up for doing good things because your good actions take attention away from them. Don't let them stop you from doing good in this world. You're strong, Mikami. You have an amazingly strong sense of justice." I tell him as we reach the infirmary. We go inside and I lay him on a bed then go tell a nurse what happened. She gives him a few ice packs then leaves. So I sit beside him.

"It's been hard... especially since my mother died.. but I won't. I won't let them ware me down. I'll continue to fight for what I believe is right..thanks again. Thank you so much, (y/n). You're truly a great person.." he trails off.

"Hey, I'm here for you. I'll always be here.." I say softly and gently hug him, for he's crying a bit. "I'm here."

Word count: 535

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