Chapter 6 Hanging.....

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter and special thanks to "mrecip112" for support and everyone else, but let's get on with the chapter!Also just a warning, this chapter is very dark!

*WARNING*THIS CHAPTER WILL INCLUDE:Depression, Self Harming, And Suicide!!

Your POV

I continued to walk towards Sayori's House, as i was about to reach her house I got a weird vibe that something bad was going to happen.As I made my way to the front door I noticed that there was no cars in the driveway or beside the front lawn, I ignored it.I then slowly knocked on the door at least 3 times and answer, I knocked again and no answer.I then rang the doorbell and tried to call Sayori....

Sayori's POV

I heard it again, the sound of someone ringing the doorbell, the sound of knocking.I already knew who it was, it was obviously Y/N, but I was tired.Tired of this pain that I was feeling, I just sat there in my room looking at knife on my desk.I was rapidly breathing, trying to decide wether or not to just end all of the pain.It wasn't just my depression but I soon realized that I would be losing Y/N to someone else....

I picked up the knife while looking at it intently and slowly raised my arm, but was stopped by my phone going off and said that I had 4 missed voice messages and at least a dozen messages.I didn't even realize it but I had spent all day at home trying to decide wether to do it or not.I picked up my phone and looked at all the messages that Y/N sent.As I overlooked the messages I realized that he still cared about me and said that I was still the same bundle of sunshine when I first met Y/N....

I then shook my head and realized that I shouldn't do this, I quickly dropped the knife and got up.As I started walking I accidentally tripped and fell onto the floor, I looked at what tripped and realized that it only the noose that I had made earlier today.I tried to hang the noose up on my ceiling fan but failed, so I tried a couple more times but just gave up and switched to the knife.I then stuffed the noose under my bed and hid the knife before I went down stairs.....

I was about to open up the door when I realized that I felt a trickle of something wet slide down from above my wrist, I looked down say where I recently cut myself but not deep enough to be consider fatal.I quickly covered it and opened up the door."Sayori?" "Um...Hi Y/N!"I said trying to be the same cheerful girl I was."Hey, why didn't you respond to any of my calls or texts, are you alright!?" He seemed worried.....but soon he wouldn't need to worry about me anymore....

"Umm yeah about that...I uh....I was sick and couldn't go to school...." I said trying to act like myself but I already knew I had failed, Y/N could easily read me like an open book...."Sayori, what's on your arm?"I instantly realized that the blood was smearing and running down my wrist."Oh...Umm.. I-I was doing arts and crafts up stairs...." "While your sick?" "Umm...yeah..."I guess he believed me because, he said."Alright, well I'll see you at school tomorrow then..."He said as he offered me a hug, mind as well since this will be my last time hugging him...

I started to approach him when suddenly he quickly grabbed my wrist and lifted it to reveal 2 cuts on my wrist which were bleeding.His eyes widen as saucers when he saw the cuts and he said."Sayori!?What the HELL!?"He said as tears welled up in his eyes, this was it.I couldn't live like this, he would report me and the pain would only get worse...I just wanted it to end...I then shoved him away onto the ground and closed the door while I turned and ranup to my room..Once I was there I could hear the door swing open, I locked the door and turned towards the Noose....

All of the pain would end today I thought as I stood on my chair and with the noose around my neck....I rolled the chair away from under my feet and felt the rope constrict my neck cutting off my air...By that time I could hear Y/N banging on my door yelling at me to open up the door, but I was already seeing nothing but black.Then all I saw was black as I felt my body go limp....

Your POV

I kept pushing on the door yelling at Sayori to open up, as tears streamed down my face, I was afraid of losing my childhood friend...."SAYORI OPEN THE DOOR!!PLEASE!!PLEASE!!"I said as I could hear wood splitting apart and slowly wearing down."PLEASE!!OPEN.THE.DOOR!!"I said as more tears fell from my face and into the floor in desperation as I kept hitting the door, I then got my body and slammed it into the door.I then gathered all my strength and slammed my foot into the door knocking the door down onto the floor.

I could see Sayori hanging from the noose as she dangled, I then rushed over to her and looked for something.I spotted a chair and rolled it under her feet so she wouldn't dangle.I then looked for something sharp to cut the rope, as my hands were rushing around her desk I found a bloody tipped knife.I didn't care if it was blood, as long as I saved Sayori.I rushed over to her and desperately tried to cut the rope as I cried.While cutting, the rope suddenly snapped and she fell, luckily I was able to catch her and set her down.

I pulled the rope off of her and pushed my head against her chest, trying to hear or feel a heart beat.

She was alive, but had a very faint heartbeat.I then layer her on the floor and dialed 911."911 what's your emergency?" "Hello!!I need a ambulance fast!!PLEASE!!" "Ok sir what's going on!?" "My friend tried to hang her self and I don't know what to do!?" "Listen, calm down!Im sending a ambulance there right away!!What's your ad-" I heard them get cut off in mid sentence, I quickly grabbed my phone and tried to turn it on but it wouldn't.It died."SHIT!!"I then realized that over the summer my mom had made me take CPR classes.I then did what the coaches told us to do.

I did it for about 3 minutes until I heard her start to breath, I then did it one last time and her eyes slowly opened.I saved her...."wha-wha...." "Oh my god, Sayori your alright!!"I hugged her and cried until I heard the ambulance outside.The paramedics came and took Sayori into the ambulance while her parents were notified about what happen and I was taken with them for information about what happened.I really am glad that I decided to check on Sayori, because of I didn't.

Then I would be sitting here staring at a body bag Instead of Sayori laying on the hospital bed.....

Disclaimer*I am in no way supporting Suicide, depression or self harming*We should try and stop it!!Anyway guys, How did you like the chapter?Also sorry this was supposed to be published yesterday but I didn't have time.One chapter left until actually romance and a event will show up....What do y'all think that event will be?


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