I wish

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I wish that you lived next door,
so that we can talk about anything from our windows
when we can not fall asleep
or when we need someone to talk to
or just talk about the universe
until the sun rises again.

i wish you lived next door,
just to see you every day
to feel the sparks inside of me
when our eyes meet
and to feel your hands warm my hands
that are cold as ice

i wish you lived next door,
so we can watch the sunsets
and talk.
drinking my favorite coffee
that you enjoy just because i do
writing poems together
while listening to the songs you wrote
because poetry & music
are our way to escape this world.

i wish you lived next door,
so i don't have to miss you all the time
right now it's stealing my joy
because you fill my mind
and your absence
makes me miserable

you're a million miles away
but it's okay.
because you said
"if you miss someone-
just close your eyes"
cause some things
can only be seen
with our eyes closed
and when i close my eyes, i see us
looking at eachother with hope in our eyes

and then i smile, too.
cause as long as i can see you
even with my eyes closed,
i will be okay.

an open letter to a guy i shouldn't be writing about.

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