Don't rush, enjoy your youth

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Isn't it weird how you wake up one day and realize that your childhood is gone? Sometimes you're going through a drawer and find a note that your friend in 4th grade wrote you one time and drew a bunny on it because that was your favourite animal. Sometimes you hear a song and the first thing that pops into your mind is how your parents were dancing to this song since you can remember. Sometimes you smell a hint of cologne and you remember when your dad used to hug you and how he was your hero. Sometimes you go through your closet and find your favourite dress from when you were 8 and you can only think how it still feels the same, so familiar. Do you remember how enchanted you were by lights in the city at night? What a beautiful shade of pink the sky was? How magical everything in life was?

At school we're taught to always think about the future. Think about what you want to do with your life later on, mostly how you're going to make money. Everybody wants you to grow up. They break everything you used to believe in.

I say: stop. Take a moment to reflect on not what's still to come but what has happened. Take a day for yourself. Sit on the floor and watch cartoons like you used to. Dance on your way to school like you used to. Read books you read when you were a kid. Look up a drawing of a ladybird and colour it in the most ridiculous colours and don't mind the lines, like you used to. Eat your favourite food from when you were younger.

Don't worry about anything that's going on in your life right now and be a kid for a day. Or one day you'll wake up and realize you're youth is gone and you have wasted it growing up.

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