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What I adore about autumn:
I don't know how weird that may sound, but when school starts it's always a bit nice for me. Because I always get a feeling of returning back to a place we all use to know. Not that I like school, I'm neither a fan of the system or of the people there, and most of the time it just stresses me out and making me wish I was done with it. But I always get those feeling, a few days before it starts. I want to know if the other people changed, or if they notice my changing. And it's exciting that fall stands in front of you, and you're looking for those days where it's cold and windy outside.

The leaves are falling down, coloured in orange or red. You're wearing your favourite hoodie, trinking coffee or tea and look outside the window. Turning your favourite music on, and laying in bed, watching movies. And there is this special part of comfiness, which surrounds you.

A very shallow part, is that you buy new clothes, hoodies (idk why but I always tend to buy new books in autumn), new journals for school

Autumn is for me, more like a stage in life. Where you return to after summer, after so many changes, memories, where everything
turns back into reality. Not that it's good either, but it's also a safe heaven.

May these texts don't make sense to anyone, but they are more like my "official diary". or just the thoughts at my head, and they make never sense, so it's okay,

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