Dear someone

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I can't sleep tonight. I can't sleep because of you. You've plagued my mind. Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to be so charming and compliment me the way you do?

You don't do it anymore, and that worries me. We haven't talked, properly, in months. Do you even still think about me? I wonder if you miss me, but if you did, you would call. So I'm guessing you don't. I'm not okay with that, it makes me sad. School is starting up again, which means we'll see each other, but seeing doesn't equal talking. Seeing doesn't equal being friend's again.

I'm worried that whatever we had is gone, never to return. I'm worried that it will never be the same, that we will never be the same. I've been told that you've changed, in terms of personality. I'm worried that we won't fit together like we used to. I'm positive thing's can't change too much over Summer, but I can't be so sure. I am sure that I want you to be happy, I've only ever wanted that for you.

All the love

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