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italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

friday april 13th 9:49 pm est

carter: elliot

carter: ellie

carter: elle

carter: el

elliot: what

carter: thank god you answered, your name was running out of letters to take away

elliot: glad i could be of service then

carter: anyway i'm about to get on a plane

elliot: and i care because...

carter: i'm flying across the country

elliot: the previous question still stands...

carter: i have your journal

elliot: oh.

elliot: shoot.

carter: yes

carter: very shoot

elliot: when will you be back

carter: who's the stalker now?

elliot: shush

elliot: no offense but i don't care about you enough to stalk you

carter: how refreshing

elliot: people call me a tall drink of water for a reason

carter: people do call me the hottest man alive for a reason

elliot: oh i'm sure

carter: you should be

elliot: anyway back to your plane

carter: good idea i'm boarding now 

elliot: wait but

elliot: ugh

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