Chapter 8: The Honor

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Krissy's Point of View
Morgan and Sophie left me really early. I was confused as to what those two were doing up before noon. I didn't question them, but I was rather curious as to what they had planned. I swear those two always have a scheme going on. I decided to ignore them and make me some breakfast.

It was Saturday morning. I didn't have much planned, especially since I still hadn't decided if I wanted to defend Blake. His case seemed easy, since he was a third time offender. He'd get either some jail time or bail and community service. It just depended on if the judge preferred him or the law. I would also have to prove why he shouldn't go to jail. That may be a little more difficult, but nothing I couldn't handle. I was made for this.

I also didn't have anything planned for the day because I couldn't decide if I wanted to go to his stupid game. After he left the other night, I cried myself to sleep. I was glad Daniel was out on a quick business trip. He knew what happened to us and was furious with the situation. He didn't hate Blake, surprisingly. All he said was that he wished I didn't have to go through that. Even though he knew, I didn't want to have to talk to him about Blake.

I wasn't sure how I felt about Blake. I didn't hate him, but I wasn't sure how I felt. I have so many memories with him that I can't just forget about it. I wanted to talk to someone and it definitely wasn't going to be Daniel. I can't talk to Sophie and Morgan. They don't know and I still wasn't prepared to talk about it. Sandra, my college roommate, is the only other person that knows. I'm thankful that she lives in Seattle because she would definitely be pushing me to tell everyone.

Don't get me wrong, I want to tell everyone, but once I say it, it all becomes too real. I did not want to replay those nine months again. They were brutal. I almost fell into depression from the loss of my baby and the loss of my boyfriend. Thankfully, I didn't get depression but I did stick to studying and only studying. I spent a whole year by myself. I had Sandra, but you know what I mean, I felt alone.

When I did run into Daniel, everything seemed to change. I felt like I finally had a purpose in life. Someone that could hear me when I cried for help. Daniel was that person I needed when I lost Blake. But now that Blake is back in my life, I have all these different emotions. I'm not sure what I should feel. I want to run back to him, but I can't and I know I shouldn't. He hurt me in ways I never imagined he could. I can't be with someone who blames me for the loss of our son. I just can't.

I heard the front door slam. I peaked around the corner of the kitchen and saw the girls come back. They seemed too energetic for eleven in the morning. What did they do?

"So where did you guys go?" I asked. I grabbed my cup of coffee and sat down on the couch. They did the same.

"Oh you know, for a walk." Sophie said waving her hand around. I raised my eyebrow. What is she trying to tell me? Is there a fly in the room?

"A walk? So early?" I asked. Morgan smirked, confusing me more. I swear if these girls did something to me.

"I had to pick something up." Sophie said showing me her hand. I took a sip of my coffee as I zeroed in on the diamond ring she had on her left hand. My eyes widened in realization.

"Oh my god!" I screamed.

"Asher proposed!" She replied.

"Congratulations! It's about time you guys decide to get married!" I said. I was happy for them. They deserved it.

"Will you be my maid of honor?" Sophie asked as I enjoyed another sip of my coffee. I widened my eyes, feeling my throat burn. I coughed before nodding my head.

"I'd love to Sophie!" I said. I placed my mug on the coffee table and ran to her side. I gave her a huge hug, feeling happiness for her. Asher and Sophie deserved their happily ever after.

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