chapter 8

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I woke up groaning on a hard floor

'She's awake'

'What the fuck did you inject me with' i hissed

'It was a sedative'

'Who are you'

'I'm Lucas that's my cousin sam'

'Gay names' i said

'Get her up ' just then someone picked me up

I was too weak to fight

Way too weak

My body shaked

I felt the comfort of a bed and i manged to open my eyes to see 2 ugly pieces of shit

'I need to vomit' i said

'Watch her. Make sure she doesn't run' Lucas said

'I actually feel sick' i said

'Toilets there' he said and i ran over there and threw up and he came over

'Stay away from me you walking telly tubby' i said and he put his hands up

'What did you give her' i heard Derek

'You sedated her' sam said

I got up and started washing my mouth out

I finally got my balance and could walk properly

I don't feel weak as I was felt before

'Eat' Derek said and they left the room

'I'll be outside' Lucas said and groaned

What did I get myself into

I need to bust out of here

I went to the window and saw no handle

Well shit

I tried to break the window but I wouldn't break

Fucking Derek

Dick head

Just then i heard gun shots




'10 DAYS'

Just then i heard someone walk into my room

'A GIRL' someone yelled

Oh shit

Sorry guys chapters short....

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