chapter 14

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'Woah Sonia what are you doing' Adrian said pulling back

'What do you think' she said

'Seriously your not even in this pack leave.' He said and she shifted and ran off

But before she left she looked at me and growled

'The fuck' i said

'Leave her. She's harmless' he said

'She better be' i said

'Well now you've tried hand guns try snipers' he said

'Hey guys almost time for hunting get ready' liane said

'How about tomorrow let's go hunt' he said

'Can't you control hunting' i asked

'Yeah but it's fun to hunt. Why don't you hunt' he asked

'Not since I was 9' i said

'Listen we will find the dick heads who killed your parents. It's a promise I've made to you and i will commit to it' he said and i nodded and he cupped my face

'Now come on let's go' he said and we headed upstairs and liane took my hand

'Well since you can control yourself from hunting. Let's see how good your aim is. Here's a knife, throw it at the target' she said and i grabbed the knife and i threw it

'Holy shit' she said

'It's her coordination. It's good. Really good' he said

'Well let's go hunting' i said and shifted into my wolf

'Woah. She's beautiful' liane said

'Very beautiful' Adrian said kneeling down and looking into my eyes

'Meet you downstairs ' he said and i nodded and ran off down the stairs and into the basement and the whole pack stared at me



'White wolf. White killer'

'She's our new member. As i said. No one should get hurt. If you get lost. Or hurt. Howl' Adrian said

'Off we go' he said and the garage door opened and i saw the woods and we all ran off

It felt good to be free

To be with a pack

And have the fast energy

The Adrenaline

We all went our separate ways into the woods and i went racing down deep inside

Just then i saw a black alpha wolf

Thinking it was adrian i turned around

But regretted it so fast.....

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