chapter 20

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I turned around and pulled my gun at him

'Woah big girls got a gun. What are you gonna do shoot me' he said

'That's what a gun is for dickhead' i said

'Shoot me then' he said

'Gladly' i said but adrian took my gun and shot his foot

'The anger ans pain that flares through me when i see you. Is 100,000 times worse than the pain you feel right now' he said kneeling down

'When you killed my mother. Shot her right in the head. You heartless bitch what did she ever do to you. I swear I will torture you until you beg for death. Heck your begging on your damn knees for mercy' Adrian said and then leaned in

'Which I will never have for you' he said and i was actually kind of scared

His eyes cold and heartless

Derek was trying to take the bullet out and i took the gun and shot him again

Right next to where adrian shot him before

'Oh fuck you bitch' Derek yelled to me

'I know you want to' i said

'Let's get the pack and go' i said and he nodded

'Until next time bitch' Adrian said and we got the guys and woke them up and who ever were able to walk got into the car and who ever weren't able to walk were carried

And damn Ricco was heavy as fuck

Dude what do you eat

The neighbours

I basically threw him in the car and adrian drove off

'You alright' he asked more light hearted and happier

'I should be asking you that question' i said and he nodded

'I'm ok' he said and i nodded and he sped up

'Dude slow down your at like 200mph' i said and he pulled the hand brake drifting into the parking lot of the house

'Adrian' I said and he put his head on the steering wheel in frustration

I heard the doors close in the pack and the pack ran off inside the house and liane winked at me before leaving

'Adrian' I said

'What' he whispered

'You're not okay. Your breaking' i said

'And the only glue that's keeping me together is the pack.' He stopped like he was hesitating to say something

'And you' he said....

kidnapped by the alphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz