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Jasmine's POV

🎶Hush little baby, don't say a word
Mamma gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird don't sing
Mamma gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring don't shine
Mamma gonna buy you a--


I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard him yell out my name. I had just put Jevan down for his nap and I was singing sweetly to him. I kissed his little cheek and went to find Evan.

A large brown envelope was thrown at me when I approached him in the living room.

"Who else you slept with, huh? YOU LYING, CHEATING BITCH!" he blasted out at me.

I stood there, dumbstruck by his sudden behavior and tone of voice.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're going play dumb now? You're gonna stand your ass there and pretend you don't know what the hell I'm talking about?!"

"Evan! I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" I tried to match his tone.

I swooped down and picked up the envelope. Looking through the papers, I saw what made him mad; and I was mad, too.

"This has to be some kind of mistake. I never slept with anyone else!" I almost cried when the DNA results stated Evan wasn't the father of our son.

"You're good. You're really good. You had everyone fooled! Including me!" he shouted while clapping his hands.

I stared at the results some more, hoping this was a bad dream that I'd soon wake up from.


"Don't you dare say another word to me!"

"What's going on here?" Aria's voice asked. She was standing behind me.

She walked up to me, snatched the papers out of my hands and looked at them. I was too frustrated to even put up a fight with her, and a headache came on instantly.

"Oh my! How could you do this to him?" she asked and ran over to hug Evan. "He bought and did everything for that child because you made him believe it was his! So if the DNA test hadn't proved you've been lying all along, would you have even told him the truth?"

Is this bitch talking to me?

"Evan, there has to be some kind of mistake. Jevan is your--"

"I said don't say another word. You know what, I can't take this shit in my life anymore. Since I fell for you, you've done nothing but hurt me! I tried my all for you. I tried my best to be good for you and to please you and make you happy, and this is the thanks I get Jasmine? Lying to me about Jevan being my son, when you knew, damn well, that you were sleeping with other guys!"

"I didn't slept with anyone else! He's your son!"


His eyes went dark and mine started flooding with tears. The heart I still had for him, came crashing down to my toes.

"Evan, please don't do this," I begged as the tears poured down my face.

He moved away me but I stayed where I stood. Aria looked at me and shook her head with a smirk. I didn't even care, I kept on crying.

After five minutes, Evan came back and handed me a check for one million dollars.

"That should be more than enough to take care of you and him until you find yourself another job."

"I don't want your money!" I snapped and tore the check into tiny pieces and threw it at his face. Rage and madness stirred in my stomach. "He's your son! You can't just check him off like he's nothing!"

"Jasmine, you have an hour to pack. I'll have maids assist you. I don't want to see you or hear anything from you ever again."

He left.

I watched as he and his evil fiancee climbed the staircase and went into their bedroom.

I went into the guest room I had occupied for months while staying here. Jevan was wide awake in his crib but he wasn't making a sound. He only looked on with sad eyes, as if he knew what had happened between Evan and me.

I packed. I packed up everything, making sure I hadn't left anything behind that would remind Evan of me. The maids carried the stuff to a U-Haul that had been waiting outside to take me away.

Finally, I raised Jevan into my arms.

"It's going to be okay, baby. We're going to be fine," I said to him and more tears slipped from my eyes.

Jevan looked up into my eyes, and his little hands brushed my cheeks as if he were saying, "Don't cry Mommy." He gave me a small smile when a tear fell on his hand.

How could that DNA test say Evan wasn't the father of this clone of him in my hands? How could this have happened?

Without worrying my head about it anymore, I left the bedroom. I walked towards the living room and he was standing at the main entrance door, looking at us.

I walked up to him. "You're going to look at him and say this isn't your son? You going to let a piece of paper determine this isn't your son?"

"Have a nice life, Jasmine."

"Go to hell, Evan Hollen," I replied and got into the U-Haul without looking back.

Since the apartment had been unoccupied for months, I was certain the landlord had already rented it out to someone else. I had no choice but to go to the penthouse Evan had given my mother and sister. Thankfully, it was Saturday. Zenia didn't have classes and she knew I was coming. 

"He put you and the baby out the house?" she asked with a shout as I walked in the door. She took Jevan out my of tired arms and we walked over to a couch.

"Zen, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what happened. He did a DNA test and the test stated that he wasn't the father." I began to cry again.

"Well who else could it be? If he's not the father, who else you slept with Jasmine?"

"Are you kidding me right now Zenia? Are you really kidding me? I never slept with nobody else! Why is that so hard for everyone to believe?"

"Maybe because you were rolling around with Bradley."

I threw myself back on the seat and covered my shameful face with my hands to let the tears fall again.



"There's someone at the door."

I wiped my face with the hem on my dress and went to the door.

"Evan called me," Emma said as she stepped inside. She looked me dead in the eyes before asking, "Who's the father, Jasmine?"




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