Chapter 12: "What's your name?"

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We may not have been able to see each other but that didn't mean that Jax and I didn't talk on the phone.  We spoke nightly.  It became my favorite part of the day.  We would both pull up the same movie or show on Netflix and begin it at the same time, watching it together.  If my parents asked who I was talking to... Morgan.

"What are we watching tonight, Books?"

"Your choice.  I picked last time."  I sit on my bed doing my homework as I talk to him.

"Hitchhiker's Guide."

"Ohhh. Good choice, Alfie!" I giggle and grab the remote to pull it up.

"Are you coming to Syd's game?" My dad pokes his head into the room. 

"Tell Daddy Dan hi for me," Jax says into the phone with a chuckle. 

I look up to my dad and smile.  "First, Morgan says hi.  Second, I have homework, so no."

"Tell Morgan hello.  We won't be home until like eleven.  She has a double header and a pizza party after at Kane's."

"Okay.  I'll be in the bed by then.  Tell her not to trip as she runs. I heard what happened last time; Cole said it was hilarious."

My dad chuckles and leaves the room.

"Books, are you alone tonight?"

A smile comes to my face.  "Perhaps..."

"Come over and watch this with me."  He demands in a playful way.  "It's not a long movie, you'll be home way before they get back.  Probably before her first game is over."

Now I knew this was a terrible idea.  It's a small town and everyone talks about everyone's business, if someone saw me going into the criminal's house, it could get out.  But for once I really did want to watch this with him.  Because I was a normal teenage girl, with a crush on Jackson Parker.  We had stayed away from each other for the last month and I wanted to hang with him.

"I really shouldn't..."

"I'll make popcorn."

"Damnit, Jax. You know I love popcorn!"

"Come over here and I will make you so much popcorn, Gabby Brooks. Extra butter."

I stare out my window to the house across the street and let out a sigh.  "I'll be over in five minutes.  Jax, I'm holding you to that popcorn."

I end the call, put on my chucks and grab my jacket, heading out into a cool April night.

The announcer of the softball game's voice booms across town as I walk over to the blue Victorian house adjacent to mine.  I rap on the door a few times before it opens.  It is not the tattooed boy I was hoping for; his sister opens the door.

Courtney's face is full of confusion.  "Hey?  Were we hanging out tonight?"

"No," I hear a voice answer for me.  Jax appears behind her and she turns around as he looks at me.  "She's hanging out with me tonight."

Courtney turns back to me.  She looks at me puzzled and then turns back to her brother.

"You two are still sleeping together?"

Jax stares at me. "We haven't slept together Court.  She's here to watch a movie."

Well, this is awkward.  I stand outside with my eyes fixedated on Jax and his on me.  I haven't told anyone about him really.  I'm not exactly sure what this is.  I'm not going to tell people he promised me orgasms.  Him and I haven't even really brought it up since the lake.  We joke about them, but that's it.  Lately, he's been a friend, one that I have a crush on.  It can't be more than that.

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