Chapter 21: "He'll be lucky to have children."

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"What did he say?"

"That he appreciated my use of pepper spray and did not appreciate the use of my knee..." I lie in bed giggling into the rose-gold iPhone in my hand.

I'd been home from the bar for roughly two hours.  My dad knew about Tyler before I even walked through the door.  Even though he acted as though he was upset about it, I couldn't help but to notice the smirk on his face during the 'you don't just knee a guy in the groin in front of half the town...' speech.  I firmly believe he was proud of me tonight. 

"Books that was the most amazing thing to watch... the way that kid dropped - he'll be lucky to have children."

"That would make me happy knowing no mini Tyler Porters would enter this world."

We sit in our own rooms, me in pajamas, watching How I Met Your Mother episodes. A couple weeks of not talking to him on the phone was enough, I've missed our night chats. It seemed silly that I had dropped him off at his house only a few hours ago and already we were discussing what had happened tonight.

A lot happened tonight.

"Dad doesn't think he will really press charges. His mom is too sick, they need the money. Plus everyone in the bar heard him and saw him grab my arm first."

"He's probably right, but that may just piss him off more... do not go into town by yourself..."

"Okay dad" I roll my eyes as if he can see me.

"I'm serious Gabby. Town isn't the same right now. The riff between the bars is about to get bad. If it's true that Tyler could be one of the assaulters from prom night, and Mickey's daughter was one of the victims, there's going to be a blowup at some point. Town is going to pick sides. They will either pick the poor family with the sick mother who are locals but have a monster as a child. Or they will pick the out-of-towners who hike up prices during peak seasons of the lake but whose daughter was raped. I'm rooting for Mickey."

I sigh. I know he's right. This town thrives on gossip and bickering. The town will divide. I'm staying out of it. Someone will win, I'm stuck here for the rest of my life; I'm not about to pick sides.  As pissed as I was at Kane, he was still someone I considered a friend. I didn't know Mickey that well, but my heart bled for his daughter Lily.

"Have you talked to Kane since this happened?" I can hear the hesitation in his voice. Jax is not a fan of either Porter brother.

"Not since I left him at prom." My gut twists. Years. I loved that boy for years. Now I don't even want to see him in town. I'm torn.  I miss him, but I'm dreading the day I see him.

"Stay away from him and his bar Books, nothing good will come of it. Older siblings protect the younger ones. It's our job."

Sydney.  Suddenly I am so glad that she wasn't old enough to attend the dance.  Then I think of the day at the mall when Tyler was hanging all over her, my underage little sister.  The way he looked at her was disgusting.

If he goes anywhere near her I will rip his limbs off, starting with one between his legs.

"There are so many places I need to stay away from now, I don't feel like I can go anywhere..."

"Just don't go to town alone. Please?" He is practically begging, in a way I find it a bit adorable.

"I won't Jax. Promise."

The promise that fell from my lips... already I worry I won't be able to keep it.  Kane is still my friend, as stupid as he's being.  The truth, whatever it is, will come out.  Kane will be here, Jax don't be.  I try and put that thought to the back of my mind, but it's hard.  Tonight I slept with him.  One more.

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