Chapter 16: The Dance

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"Gabs are you ready?" Felix knocks on the door of my room. "Kane is here."

I stand in the mirror looking at myself. Sydney outdid herself. I've never looked more girly in my life. Not in a bad way either, I just am not used to seeing myself look more like a woman... I guess. The dark red dress is perfect and the makeup is on lightly, doing nothing other than highlighting my features that were already there. My hair has maintained its shape with the low messy bun off to one side. I have in studded diamond earrings that I received for my eighteenth birthday, but thought I would never wear, and a few bangle bracelets to match in place of my rubber bands.

"I'll be down in a minute" I tell my door.

I take one last glance in the mirror, put on my shoes and make my way downstairs, my dress flows with me as I walk.

I find my parents, Sydney, Felix, Courtney and Kane all standing in the living room as my mother snaps pictures like a mad woman. Everyone is smiling, laughing, hugging, the way prom night should be.

"Holy shit Gabs" Kane's mouth hangs open as he eyes the dress for the first time. My cheeks flush as his eyes wander over me, finding their resting place on my own.

He looks gorgeous in black dress pants, a black button down dress shirt and a dark red tie. He must have called and asked what I was wearing because I never told him.

"Right?! I do amazing work" Sydney laughs aloud and I smack her in the arm.

I look back to Kane and force a smile.

"Hey Gabby" Courtney says awkwardly. I haven't really spoken to her since the day Jax told me what he did for her. I don't want her to feel any different around me just because I know. It doesn't change how I view her in any way, it wasn't her fault.

"Hey Courtney" I smile big at her. "You look beautiful."

Her blonde hair is pinned back and she has on a long poofy silver dress with purple sequins around the top. She really did look stunning.

Her hesitation towards me lifts and a smile comes to her own face. "So do you."

"Okay! A few more pictures and then you can go over to Courtney's house and allow her mom to do the same!" My mom begins to push us all together in the corner of our large living room.

I look up to my dad. I'm not supposed to go anywhere near the Parker house, and honestly tonight I'm not sure I want to. My dad glares at my mother but turns to me with a nod, telling me it's fine for tonight. Of all the nights...

Kane's arm wraps around my waist as the flashes keep occurring. This lasts until we are practically blind and then we are shoved out the door for round two.

Courtney and I walk ahead of the guys purposefully so we can talk out of earshot.

"Is he home?" I whisper to her and hold my breath.

"Of course he is, he has nowhere else to go..." she gives me a side glance. "Are you two not talking anymore because of what he did?"

"No." I shake my head. "I agree with what he did Court, that is not a problem at all. If you need to talk about it I'm here, if you don't we will never speak of it. As for Jax, he ended it. I don't blame him, my dad can make his life a living hell."

Her previous smile diminishes. "That's too bad. He actually seemed happy for once."

She swings the door open before I can even ask what she means by that comment. Immediately we are bombarded by her parents fussing about how amazing we all look. Courtney's eyes just continue to roll as her mom fusses over her hair.

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