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Klaus POV
Today I woke up to my beautiful mate still asleep with her head in my chest all I could think about was how we always wanted a child we were pregnant when my mother turned us but when we woke up we had lost the child and it took us years before we could even talk about her without bursting out into tears you all may think that I'm evil and don't care about anything well that's true when I don't have Aria around she's the one that keeps me grounded I wish we could have another child she would be such a great mother but me I don't think I would be a good father I have to many enemies that would try to kill the baby and I know that both Aria and I would die protecting our child
Aria- hey hon what you thinking about
Nik- nothing
Aria- your lying what were you really thinking about
Nik- what would happen if we had a kid and about how different our lives would be if my mother didn't kill Sarah
Aria- she didn't know that we were pregnant with Sarah when she turned us so how could it be her fault if we were waiting to tell once we were father along we didn't tell anyone besides the doctor so don't blame her ok she's your mother she loved you very much if it's anyone's fault it's mine I'm the one that wanted to wait ok
Nik- ok
Aria POV
I pulled his head into my chest while we just laid there thinking about the child we lost for about 20 minutes till Nik started freaking out
Nik- what was that
Aria- what do you mean
Nik- your stomach just moved you didn't feel it
Aria- no I only felt you breathing
Nik- get dressed we are going to a doctor
Aria- ok
We both hurried to get dressed of course I was freaking out what if there's something wrong with me
Aria- Nik what if there's something wrong with me
Nik- then I will be there every step of the way ok
We headed downstairs and waited for a doctor to come I was so nervous that I was shaking
Nik- sweetheart everything is going to be fine
Aria- it's just a lot of weird stuff has been happening lately
Nik- like what stuff
Aria- well yesturday Rebekah and I were heading home when we herd this really weird noise it was like a someone's heart beat but no one was around but us so then we thought there was a body in the trunk but when we checked there was nothing wrong with the car and when we got back in we herd it again then this morning you started freaking out about but I didn't feel anything
Nik- be quiet ok
So I did and he just started listening after a minute he picked me up and hugged me really tight while crying
Aria- Nik what's going on
Nik- we are pregnant
Aria- what no it can't be god I hate you
Then I pushed him away and ran upstairs he was so mean to tell me I was pregnant he knows how I wanted that for years and considering how we are both part vampires it's impossible god I hate him so much I need to get out of here I head downstairs and see Nik crying but that joke he played on me was horrible I walked into the kitchen grabbed a bottle of blood for Kol and I then headed to the door but Nik stopped me
Aria- I don't wanna hear it Nik that was a horrible joke you know that I've wanted us to have a child before we were even turned
Nik- I'm not lying we are actually pregnant
Aria- we can't be we are vampires
Nik- no we are part Vampires but we were born werewolves and witches just please listen ok I love you so much just listen ok
I started listen and I hear this little heartbeat and I just jump into Nik's arms
Aria- Nik I'm so sorry please forgive me
Nik- it's ok I love you too
Aria- wait why is the house empty
Nik- I made everyone leave for the night so we could mate
Aria- I just thought of something I'm one of those girls who got pregnant in Highschool my parents are going to freak out
Nik- you do realize your jokes aren't funny right
Aria- hey that was rude now come on
Nik- were are we going
Aria- I have school my baby needs a mother who's graduated doesn't he
Nik- so it's a he now I'm pretty sure your wrong it's definitely a girl
Aria- guess I'm going to have to prove you wrong
Nik- guess so
Aria- I can't wait to tell Kol he's going to freak out
Nik- am I the only one who finds it weird that you best friend is your husbands brother
Aria- hey not my fault he's fun unlike Elijah who's to uptight and Rebekah always gets pissed so Kol it is
Nik- ok bye I love you and mindlink me so I know your alright
Aria- ok will and I love you too
Then I pulled him into a kiss that was gentle and passionate
Then I pulled away and ran through the door and made my way to school I was already late to my 3rd class which is History I walk into the room
Mr. Tanner- care to explain why you were late Mrs. Mikaelson
Aria- Kol locked me in my trunk this morning cause I he claims I stole his shirt
Mr. Tanner- ok just make sure it doesn't happen again Kol
Kol- I didn't do anything she lying
I just sat in my chair that's in front of Kol
Kol- why were you really late because I wasn't even home last night care to explain
Aria- Klaus and I found out something today I will tell you at lunch
Kol- did you bring my lunch
Aria- yeah
So we started paying attention back to the class just I time for the bell to ring letting us know it was time for lunch
Kol- care to explain
Aria- I'm Pregnant
Kol- what are you sure
Aria- just listen
He did and he got up and hugged me so tight

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