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{Niklaus POV}
After Aria cut our Link I felt something happen to our bond it was like she didn't exist and that scared the shit out of me so I quickly sped to the school when I got there I saw that everyone crowded around her in the cafeteria so I pushed people away and walked over to her I saw that Kol was holding here while the Scooby Gang just sat there smiling so I grabbed Stefan by the neck then pushed him into the hall
Stefan- we are getting rid of the baby the first of ever generation of your family is the most powerful
I threw him through the window along with everyone in the Scooby Gang I will get my revenge after I wake up Aria
Tyler- Nik I smell wolfsbain
Nik- I know Tyler
I grabbed her away Kol and bit my wrist before I started feeding to her it took a few a minutes before she started opening her eyes
Aria- Kol what happen
Nik- you were poisoned by the almost dead members Scooby Gang
Aria- I'm going to strangle them
Kol- oh and by the way I've already compelled the crowd to forget what happened
Aria- thanks

She slowly stood up and we both sped away to the the boarding house with Kol and Tyler were right behind us Aria was so angry when we got there was a trail of fire behind her we just walked in considering how Elena owns the house and she's currently a vampire but when we finally showed up we saw Silas standing there pissed honestly I would be too if someone tried killing my baby sister
Silas- great your here now we can go kill some little bitches
I smirked as we walked through the door were we saw them just sitting there panicked
Elena- yep can't wait to kill you
Stefan- why in the hell does he look like me
Silas- I think the more interesting question is how I'm going to trying to kill my baby sister
We all grabbed someone and strapped them to chairs using revain I'm going to torture everyone one of them
Kol- oh I can't wait to kill you Stefan I've been waiting until the right moment
Stefan- ok answer my question why does he look like me
Silas- you guys didn't tell him this is hilarious little boy I'm the only reason your even alive my little doppelgänger
Stefan- that's not true only the Petrova Doppelgänger line exists
Silas- not when you baby sister created another one for my amusement
Silas walked over to Elena forcibly fed her his blood before snapping her neck making all her friends scream but making us smile next it was Kol's turn and he chose Jermey and killed him
Kol- payback is a bitch remember I always get revenge
By now Bonnie was crying and she was also Aria's choice and she snapped her neck before taking her magic adding it to her collection
Kol- adding her to your collection I see
Silas- Having a Bennett witch is useful Kol
Now it was time for Tyler and he chose Damon
Tyler- isn't this how you killed my uncle huh I guess what goes around comes back right
Then he took stakes and stabbed him all over his body leaving 15 stakes all in him before he sat down on the couch smiling as he groaned in pain
Niklaus- I guess that just you Stefan
I pulled off his arm with a small smirk on my face
Silas- huh I can't believe anyone in my line is that weak
Aria- he is a vegetarian
Silas- WHAT
He comes over and grabbed his face
Silas- your a disgrace to my name and I wished you were never born apart of my line is a honor
Then he turned his head so he was staring at Elena
Silas- see that right there is a strong and beautiful women of my line and guess what she's barley even human anymore unlike you who has been a vampire for over a hundred years you should be ashamed of yourself for walking around with my face and being so weak
Then he snapped his neck and tossed him into a wall
Kol- ok now there's an important question who's the first born of this generation
Aria- our daughter
Silas- I agree with the little man where is this child
Niklaus- dead my mother killed her when she turned Aria
They all gasped as we both walked out of the house while speeding away to our own
Aria- Nik
Nik- I know
I laid my head on her stomach trying to find a heart beat while she rubbed my head but I couldn't hear one oh no their gone my little babies are gone
Nik- love
Aria- no don't say it please don't
I grabbed her and wrapped her into my arms while she just sobbed I have to admit I was crying too but not as loud as her I know I had to stay strong for her because I know she's going to blame herself for the babies dying
Nik- Baby it isn't your fault
Aria- yes it is our babies are gone because I wasn't paying attention and got wolfsbain in my system
Nik- hey they are just babies ok we can make more I can't make another one of you understand so don't blame yourself because I know you would not in any circumstances get any type of poison in your system especially one that could kill a baby we've wanted for the thousand years ok let alone two
Aria- Nikki I miss them so much
Nik- I know you do so do I but if they weren't meant to be here they would ok Aria you can't be sad because it hurts me physicall, emotionally, and mentally we grieve but you can't cry ok because it breaks me Aria
Aria- I know
Nik- I love you so much Ariana Claire Mikaelson I know that I tell you that everyday but I mean it
Aria- I love you too
Nik- you better because I've been in love with you for over a thousand years so I think you would be a shitty person if you didn't love me back
Aria- I don't want to try again for a while
Nik- me either lets talk about it in 5 years and see about then alright
Aria- alright
Nik- now lets go to bed you need to rest
Aria- ok
I leaned down and kissed her before I tucked her into bed and she was out light a light in just a few minutes so I sped downstairs to find everyone sitting in the livingroom
Rebekah- are the babies ok
Niklaus- no there not but we can't show ny sadness, anger, or anything else besides normal to her understand
Nik- hey stop that she's sleeping upstairs but you waking her up is enough for me to dagger you understand she didn't just lose one this time it was two so she needs to be resting not running around
Rebekah- what do you mean it wasn't one this time
Nik- she was pregnant when we were turned but us turning killed the baby we named her Sarah and moved on but it's also the reason Aria got to keep her powers and we didn't
Elijah- becuase she was changed with the baby who was a first Mikaelson and Salvatore to be born meaning she was carrying a baby part of the 2 strongest witches bloodlines known
I nodded and went back upstairs to still see her sound asleep so I got into bed and pulled her into me knowing the next couple months are going to be one hell of a ride...


{Let me know if you would like me to make a sequel to this story or not}

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