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Aria- Kol I can't breath
Kol- I'm just so excited to be an uncle we are going to have so much fun
Aria- Kol you better not take him to do anything dangerous
Kol- so you having a boy I have the perfect name you should name it after me
Aria- well I'm not positive it's a boy but I think it is and we are not naming it Kol
Kol- fine
Aria- now drink or your not going to even be around to meet him
Kol- whatever
We both start drinking until the Scooby Gang sits at our table again
Elena- hello Aria and Kol
Aria- hey dopplebitch
Caroline- that wasn't nice Aria
Aria- well nether was daggering my brother when he tried to save Elena or how about here binding my husband to her livingroom or my most favorite was when her brother the hunter killed my best friend and if Klaus wasn't making me keep the doppelgänger and her friends alive so he could make more hybrids then I would've killed you all by now
Kol- oh you just got burned
Aria- Kol I think you've been spending to much time with the witches in New Orleans your kinda sounding like them
Kol- you gotta admit something about the place just feels powerful
Aria- or you just like how easy it is to have sex with the girls downthere you exact words were these girls are so hot we should stay here forever back home all the girls are just average
Kol- it's not my fault I like the girls down there and if I remember right you liked it down there too something about more how that is the place to walk down the street and see wolves, witches, even vampires with out having to hunt them
Aria- so here you have all of those to the doppelgängers, humans, witchs, newborns, hunters, wolves, and plus there is a Mikaelson Manson
Kol- the one in Orleans is bigger
Aria- but it is also the city where you were killed multiple times and brought back to life you wouldn't even be here if Davina wasn't so fond of you and was the head of the New Orleans witches
Kol- I know but if I remember correctly Rebekah switched out my ashes for mother so technically Davina didn't bring me back Rebekah did when she was the serial killer witch god what was her name
Aria- it wasn't important and serial killer Rebekah used Davina and dozens of other teenage witches to bring you back so remember I'm always right and technically Davina did bring you back it's just Rebekah was actually the one who preformed the spell
Stefan- does anyone have any clue what they are talking about
Tyler- nope
Aria- so Tyler what are you going to do when you find your mate
Tyler- what you mean
Aria- on you 18 birthday you find you mate
Tyler- what
Aria- wait your a wolf and have no clue about you culture
Tyler- I guess I'm the only one in town considering how you husband killed my friend and Damon killed my uncle and Elena's bio dad killed my father
Aria- I feel bad for you
Caroline- why would you do that
Aria- because he is going to go through things he has no clue about like mating, his heat, his mates heat, not to mention he knows nothing about his pack so they can't help him
Tyler- what's a heat
Aria- well basically you get really bad cramps, headaches, nauseous, your wolf is on edge, every unmated female wolf and female human is sexually attracted to you from the sent you but off and you are in so much pain that almost everyone usually passes out by the 2nd day
Tyler- when does it start and how do I stop it
Aria- it will start as soon as you meet your mate and you either stop by just letting it runs it course or you and you mate have a lot of sex then it will just go away the moon goddess created it so wolves would become more populated
Elena- who's the moon goodness
Aria- your kidding right Kol she's kidding right
Kol- I don't think she is
Tyler- I'm afraid to ask but who is she exactly
Aria- she created the werewolves and their mates and just to let you know you should probably end it with the blond before you turn 18
Caroline- why would he do that
Aria- because as soon as he finds his mate he won't give a crap about you he will be so in love with her that he will care more about her getting a paper cut then he would have if you were killed sorry honey and if she or he dies he will most likely die too
Tyler- but what if I don't want one
Aria- to bad I didn't want one and look at me I've been mated for a thousand years every wolf gets one wether they want one or not you could always just reject her but I would suggest that
Stefan- why
Aria- I have a feeling he wouldn't want to slowly die because his wolf is to heart broken to live his wolf has literally been searching for her every since he was born so imagine loving someone for 18 years then someone who else ends it and you can't do anything about it I have a feeling Stefan will feel like that in a couple months
Stefan- what why
Aria- well Elena will do the same thing to you when she leaves you for Damon then I have a feeling you will get together with Caroline every doppelgänger has 2 people he or she is deeply in love with usually they are siblings wanna here the funny part you've been chosen twice to be in a love triangle
Kol- oh shit I just thought of something
Aria- I know it's so hilarious to think about
Nik- Aria did you forget something along too do with food
Kol- I knew he would do that
Aria- shut up Kol
I just take the bag and start eating it
Nik- so what was so hilarious
Kol- we just remembered every doppelgänger has loves 2 people at the same time and Stefan and Damon has been chosen 2 first Catherine and Elena then Stefan has to deal with Caroline sleeping with Damon even though he will fall for her after Elena chooses Damon
Nik- I never actually thought about that
Aria- neither did we until I brought it up when I was explaining what a mate was to Tyler over there
Nik- he seriously didn't know what a mate was didn't your father ever tell you the story of the moon goddess
Tyler- no did yours
Nik- no my mother had an affair so my step dad killed him before I could meet him but my mother did tell me
Aria- yeah pretty much every wolf gets told the story growing up even rogues
Nik- even rogues
Tyler- are you saying I'm a rogue
Kol- yup you have no pack dude
Aria- Nik he didn't even know about heat can you imagine when he turns 18 and has no clue what happening
Nik- dude you need to learn about your heritage or your seriously going to be the dumbest wolf in the world I can only imagine you marking your mate now
Aria- eww I don't like thinking about that
Kol- I remember when Klaus marked you Rebekah thought you ran away and freaked out because she couldn't smell you anymore
Aria- it was all Nik's fault he didn't tell anyone in your family about his culture it wasn't my place to tell her
Nik- hey that discussion with her is worse than having the sex talk with your child
Kol- 123 not it
Aria- not it
Nik- you are all childish plus Elijah already called that roll
Kol- why did he say he would be the one to do it
Nik- because I told him of I was the one to do it I would just skip it considering how the child wouldn't even be able to get pregnant in the first place 1/3 vampire
Kol- makes since
Aria- technically Kol you could have kids considering how your a hybrid
Kol- what you can't be serious
Nik- she's right you were born a witch and your not a full vampire anymore so you have a 50 percent chance you could have a kid
Aria- just wait a few years to get Davina pregnant
Kol- hey that's not funny
Nik- it's kinda funny
Aria- and your the one that said my jokes weren't funny
Elena- so that means that Klaus and Aria have more of a chance to get pregnant than Kol does considering how they were both born witches and wolves and they are still both
Nik- actually I'm not a witch my powers were taken away when I was turned Aria is the only one who didn't get hers taken away but your right can you imagine having little a little Klaus running around trying to kill you guys just like dad
Kol- and the child would be a Tribrid which means nothing can kill it not even a white oak
Stefan- that would be an nightmare good thing they're not right guys
Tyler- I think it would be cool to have a little wolf running around
Caroline- shut up Tyler
Tyler- guys your horrible friends you know that Elena has a whole school full of people and Stefan has a like millions of Vampire friends because he can go to anybody and turn them in an instant while I have to search a whole country just to find one wolf because whether I like to admit it or not my species is going extinct and the one that do exist is in hiding because they are getting killed everyday I don't even know anything about my culture because it's so hard to find a wolf to teach me so I'm so sorry if I thought having a little wolf running around would be nice
Aria- I could teach you I am an Luna after all
Tyler- thanks Aria
Elena- we're sorry Tyler
Tyler- no your not if you were then you guys wouldn't have killed the only wolves in town and I still have to be friends with you just because no one else has no clue what I am and that I change every full moon in horrible pain and the only people who are left is Originals that hate me cause of you guys so don't tell me your sorry cause your not if you were than you would have stopped your dad then I would have a dad to teach me or if Stefan would have stopped Damon from killing my uncle than he would have taught me
Stefan- hey we aren't the only ones who killed a wolf Niklaus did too
Tyler- yeah but I don't blame him you guys had no reason to not stop them but he did he was trying to become what was in his DNA he was born a wolf do you know what it feels like to have your wolf taken away from you cause I do and it sucks you feel like a part of you is being ripped apart from you and thanks Aria for agreeing to teach me
Aria- no problem being a rouge isn't so bad
Nik- speaking of which Tyler all you need to do is find a pack that is willing to except you if you want you could be part of my pack
Tyler- you have a pack
Nik- yeah when your born if your an Alpha's son then once you find your mate you can take over my pack lives in New Orleans
Tyler- so I would have to move
Aria- not really you could still live here but you could visit them anytime you would like but there is some downsides to joining our packs like Klaus has Alpha Comand over you
Tyler- what's that
Nik- basically if I command you to do something you have do it no matter what
Stefan- you can't be serious Tyler you can't join his pack
Nik- we actually don't use the alpha command only in battle Aria blocked them from it
Aria- well you did command someone to go kill themselves
Nik- hey not my fault he left the link open while he was hooking up with the pack slut everyone in the pack herd the whole thing
Aria- that's another thing if you join you can contact any pack member within a second just something to think about
Tyler- thanks
Caroline- you actually be thinking of joining Tyler
Tyler- so what if I am he can give me access to hundreds of people just like me
Caroline- so your just going to leave all of us for some piece of shit wolves who are nothing
Aria- hey no one talkes about my pack like that
Then I start boiling her
Caroline- what are you doing to me
Aria- making your blood boil you need to learn how not to disrespect a whole species with one comment blondie
Caroline- Tyler help me stop her
Tyler- Caroline you not dying and to be honest it kinda hurt my feelings I'm a wolf too you know not all of us are pieces of shit if anything we are more human than you are cause we only turn into animals 1 night a month while your like that everyday
Elena- Aria please stop this
Nik- no she won't Caroline just disrespected to whole species that she knows nothing about if any other wolf was here they would have killed her all Aria is doing is punishing her she's not going to die
Kol- I'm still alive and she does it to me almost everyday and I even took offense to what she said and I'm not even a wolf
Aria- decoque usque mane (boil till dawn)
Then I turned around to Kol an Nik
Kol- hey Nik how do you feel about naming your child Kol
Nik- not happening
Kol- what about Henrik
Nik- no I'm not replacing Henrik with my child and we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl
Aria- it's a boy
Kol- see even Aria agrees with me that's it's a boy your probably the only one who thinks it a girl
Tyler- what's happening
We all turn to him and see his eyes are glowing and he looks like he's about to have and organism
Nik- shit Aria we are going home now
Tyler- what's happening to me and what smells so good
Aria- me
Tyler- Aria go I don't know how much I can handle this
Then Nik picks me up and runs me home to our bedroom and starts mating to get rid of my heat

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