Chapter 24: V's black jacket

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Safe. Is how we got home. I don't know how, but we ran like hell until we made sure that no one was following us. I had to hold on despite the urge to run faster. We didn't utter a word, the only sounds around us in the eerie night, were our heavy footsteps and rapid breaths.

With just saying goodnight to each other (Suga just nodded at us) we went to our rooms, and we were left alone with our tremendous loud thoughts and recent memories to keep us company.


"Tae Hyung, even if you don't want to, we will go tomorrow to IG entertainment to offer both an apology, and a proposal." We all are gathered in Manager Sejin's office, were V stands with a pale face and frozen body.

"I have prepared what you will present to Tessa tomorrow." He said, the manager's eyes burning holes on V. "You are all dismissed, except you V." We all got out of the room, leaving V behind.

"What do you think he will have to do?" Asked Jimin, who looks genuinely worried about his friend. "I don't know, but I wouldn't want to be him." Said Jin, who trembled in purpose thinking about Tessa.

"Why wouldn't you? Isn't she like... perfect?" I asked, not knowing why not only V didn't like her, but also Jin, and by the looks of it, everyone else.

"There are rumors she is a very complicated person. She is clingy, loud, selfish." Said RM, who seems like previously investigated about BluePink before we meet them, like the good leader he is.

"She is cute and all but... not my type." Said J-hope as he winked at me, I, of course, rolled my eyes. " What should we do guys? We need to help V." I said, already my mind generating possible solutions, though I am not good at this.

I turned to Jungkook, who always provides the most magical and genius answers to my questions, solutions to my problems. But he didn't even look at me, he started changing the conversation as he talked with Jimin and Jin.

Dance practice and my training speared all of us. We went to different floors of the building, and as we walked apart, so did V's situation. I don't know why my chest feels heavy each time I think about what will happen tomorrow. I lose focus when I stare at the door in which V has gotten in and not out yet, even if it is already 8:00 p.m.

I told Mr. Lee I wanted to practice some more before heading home, he looked at me a little bit weird, but in the end, he accepted. All BTS went home with him two hours ago, and yet I haven't moved from the chair that sits across the only room with the lights on. The room is soundproof, so I can't hear a thing. The walls are plain white, so I can't see a thing.

I will just have to wait until the door opens, and hopefully, I will find a smile beneath complaints.

He. Never. Got. Out.

They kept him there, locked, all night. I heard faint music repeating over and over again. And at one point, I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, I was woken up at 2:00 in the morning by the music guys who were inside the room with V.

"Miss?" Before they touched my arm to wake me up, my eyes were already open. I stand up, and realize there is a black jacket covering my torso.

V's scent is more than evident in it.

"Where is V?" I asked as if I wasn't completely asleep for the past six hours. "He just came out, I saw him entering the elevator." Before he finished the sentence, I was already halfway, V's jacket on me, across the room to the elevator, clicking the button down several times.

Come on.

But the red numbers were going down already...


I ran down the stairs. Ignoring the fact that I must have looked like a cheetah for the music guys. I don't care. I got downstairs, and to my surprise, V is not here anymore.

I sigh, my eyes scanning the elevator which now seems to go up, to the music guys. The empty reception with V's presence still lingering.

He probably didn't want to see me, but I don't know why. He must have been too tired to talk to me, or deal with a snoring bear sleeping in front of the door he came out from.

But he left me his jacket though.

I walk home. The streets somehow still hold few cars here and there. The shops on my right are closed, and people are sound asleep as they should.

I got home, and went directly to my room, ignoring the fact that there was someone waiting for me behind the refrigerator where he always does.


Hey guys!

This chapter broke my heart <\3... what about you guys? What is going to happen tomorrow? :O

The jacket on the picture is the one that appears in this chapter...

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

p.s I am sorry for not updating, again. Again, I only blame school. Thank you for waiting for me! Love you guys <3

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Please don't forget to vote <3 it really helps me :D...

Something Serious.

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