Chapter 21: Take me anywhere

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"Hey... are you okay?" I approached him slowly, knowing that any wrong move could be the end of me. His back is facing me, he is staring at the cars driving through the cold night. We are in a balcony I didn't notice before, and there is no one here to look, hear, or bother us.

It's just him and me.

"No, I am not okay." He is not sad, he is angry, pissed. "How could I be okay after hearing that I will be the industries puppet! Why did they come up with this stupid idea?! Why me?! Of all of us, why me?!" I closed the distance in between us, hoping that by doing that, and holding his arms still by his sides, I will make him look at me.

"Calm down, okay?" I forced him to stare at me, and his dark brown eyes burn my soul in a way I have never felt before. "I know that you don't want to do this, okay? I understand-"

"No, you don't understand. You have never been forced to do something like this..."

I stayed silent, ignoring my inner self, trying not to shatter before him. Its better than only one of us is angry, instead of two.

" You are right, I don't understand. But you know what? You are an adult. You have to do what they tell you to do." I say and feel like I am contradicting myself with every word that comes out of my mouth. I didn't do what they told me to do, and because of that, I am alive.

"I don't want to be with her... I know the media. They will want pictures of us talking, hugging... kissing." I shivered at the image that flew right before my eyes.

Now I wasn't the one holding him, he was holding my arms, he was holding my body in front of his.

"I-I can't fake those feelings... I can't fake being with love, when I am not-" He wanted to say something else, but he bit his tongue and kept talking.

"I feel violated. I feel like my voice was taken out of me. My vote, my opinion, gone." He said, playing with the fabric of my dress.

"I am listening to you right now, am I? I can hear you, and I care what you think, what you want. If not I wouldn't have followed you here." I surprised myself with what I said. I did follow him, I am worried about him, but why?

"Thank you, Ae Ri." He said, and my heart started beating again as soon as I saw a smile back on his face.

And so I smiled too.

"Why don't we get out of here? I can't go back in there, and they probably forgot about me..." His smile widened, and he took my hand carefully, dragging me out of the restaurant.

"Where are we going?" I asked, half worried about what Mr. Lee will do to me once we get back, half excited about where he will bring me.



"Stop, you will spill it!" The lady at the cash register of the convenience store we are in, gave us funny looks because of two things. One, V is wearing a suit and I a sparkling dress, and two, because he is wearing a Rilakuma mask.

"It's hot! I have to do it!" He bought us two spicy ramen, which he told me where the most delicious ones of all the world. I, of course, acted like it is not a big deal, but my taste buds tingle in delight as I eat the hot ramen.

"Tell me the truth, did you like it?" He leaned closer to me, and all I could see behind that Rilakuma mask are his shining dark eyes, and his wide smile.

"It's fine..." I say, trying not to laugh at him. "Oh, come on! I know you love it! You can't lie to me.." He said in a kind of flirty way. "I have tried much better ones." I said, averting my eyes from his, not knowing what would happen if I stare longer into his deep ones.

"Really?! What, did your mom cook well?"

My smile was gone in an instant.

"Yeah... She did- does." I say, with an awkward laugh. I don't know what I would do if V were more attentive because he would have definitely caught my uncomfortableness.

But he probably noticed, I could see it behind his mask. But instead of asking me about my family, and my past, he said this.

"Whoever finishes first, wins!" He started eating his ramen, despite the fume still coming out of it. He was laughing as he did it, ignoring the spiciness that comes along.

I didn't wait, I started eating.

When we're done eating, we apologized to the lady of the cashier for the noise we made. Its true, we where laughing and screaming almost at the top of our lungs, but who wouldn't laugh when V got too hot that his nose started spilling water. 

It was a sight I will never forget.

I find it impossible not to smile when I am around him. Almost everything he does, from the way his lips move, to the things he says, make me laugh. And I am glad I am not the only one having a good time because when I laugh, he laughs too. When I smile, he does too. I don't know if it is because there is something in between my teeth, or because of some unknown reason.

But I like it.

He said he will drive us back to the house. It is pretty late at night, too late for any car to be out at this hour. It's 3:00 in the morning, and even as my stomach hurts from laughing, and my cheeks from smiling, I passed on the passengers sit on the car, with a strange feeling on my heart. The feeling of trust where and who I am with, knowing that wherever I go, I will be safe, as long as I am with him.


Hey guys!

I almost shed a tear writing this... XD

What do you guys think V will do to stop what Manager Shi has in plan from him?  Will Ae RI be jealous of BluePink's member, Tessa? :O

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Please don't forget to vote <3 it really helps me...

Something Serious.

I am BTS' bodyguard || V x OC x JK x Sugaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن