Chapter 15: Water

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"Why are you so late?!"

To our surprise, Manager Sejin was waiting for us in the dance practice room. Apparently, our laughter coming from the stairs only made him angrier at our delay. We were having a nice time, and I hate to admit that. We were discussing things like how I am stronger than he is, how I am braver than he is. But also about how he has more style than I, and how he is better looking than I am.

And I also hate to admit that both of his arguments are true. But also mine, so I am not that mad about it.

"I am sorry for the delay," I say as I make a polite low bow. But V just ignored us and walked towards the center of the room where the rest of BTS is already warming up for the practice.

"Let's not have this happen again." He said, his eyes trying to burn what was left of my will to work here. After being V's slave, one is mentally and physically broken. Manager Shi went to discuss somethings with his secretary and Mr. Lee outside the room. Their faces are concerned, as if something bad has happened, or will happen. I drew my eyebrows together, focusing on the sounds surrounding us, trying to make out their conversation.

"Yes, yes he is fine. That was a close one." Manager Sejin's raspy voice. Are they talking about Manager Shi? Probably ...

"We can't put the boys at risk again. We knew something would happen on YG, and yet we let them go." The secretary, worried.

"We will do everything on our hands to keep the boys safe, as you could see, nothing will ever happen to them."

"I hope that is true, because if not-"Manager Sejin's voice, which sounded so loud and clear, even with the distance, and various walls between us, was suddenly cut by a voice I have learned to obey ( and fear) these last few days.

"Ae RI~" I roll my eyes and follow the source of the deep voice.

"What?" I say, bored, exhausted...eager.

"I need water." He said, his eyes laughing, his lips smiling. Jungkook glanced at me from his place at the choreography and shakes his head, disapprovingly. Of course, everyone realized something was going on between V and me. And nothing particularly good for me, or anyone except V.

I only nodded and walked towards the large table with their backpacks, water, snacks ( I wasn't able to eat.) and sweat cloths. But right when I was about to touch the water bottle, the white shiny light of the room reflected on the surface of the water, and my mind, my thoughts, everything but my body was suddenly lost, lost in memory.

~ (flashback)~

Sounds. Movement. Smells. Are all gone. Rage. Anger. Kill. Are new feelings in my body. My eyes are closed, I see nothing, yet I can picture everything surrounding me in my mind. The tables, the blue tubes with dead frozen bodies on them.

The freezing water makes the hairs on all the surface of my skin stand.

I can feel people moving around me, observing, taking notes on how I react. I am not breathing, I am not listening, I am underwater.

But suddenly I want to breathe, but I can't because water is drowning my body. I move abruptly, I open my eyes with shock. I can feel my heart beating so fast I am surprised it hasn't shut down completely.

The doctors, the soldiers, the scientists observing my body from outside the crystal tube I am in turn to look at me, with almost the same shock on their faces as the one on mine.

"Take her out." I could see the mouth of one of the doctors said, as clearly these experiments weren't going as they planned.

But the water kept coming, and there was nothing inside this tube other than freezing water and an unexpected being.

Everyone started running, some to get me out, others to stop the temperature of the water to go lower, others to the safe room at the end of the laboratory.

But the water reached its freezing point, and I, along with the liquid with me froze and merged as one.

I haven't breathed in an hour, and my lungs were screaming, burning, crying.

And so I did the unexpected.

I broke through the tube.

Pieces of unbreakable glass everywhere, boiling water on the doctor's screaming bodies.

And air on my lungs.

~ (end of flashback)~

"Ae RI?" Jungkook's face on mine.

"Yeah?" I asked, pretending I haven't just relived one of the worst moments of my entire life.

"Are you okay?" He probably noticed how my pale face got even paler. How the purple under my eyes got prominent, and how moving was not an option. Because he hugged my body in a way that couldn't, even if I try, shatter.

"Hey! Don't touch her, she is mine!" The music stopped, which I didn't realize it was turned on until it turned off. V came rushing towards Jungkook and me, getting in between our bodies as fast as he could.

"I was just trying to-"Jungkook was interrupted by the stubborn V.

"She doesn't need help, she needs to get me water." He said and suddenly turned his back to Jungkook.

"Water!" Without looking at the bottle that was sitting right beside him, I took it and handed at his chest. Not wanting to touch it, feel its movement, the light reflecting on it, the sound.


I ran out of the room, climbed the stairs, sprinted, flew. And without even knowing, I got myself surrounded by trees. I am sitting on a bench. Staring at everything and at nothing. Listening to the birds singing, and they listen to me. It is peaceful. It is silent.

"Look what we got here... Suga's crazy fan-girlfriend."

Just when I didn't want to see anyone, they had to come and shatter my peace.


Hey guys!

This was a very long chapter... sorry❤️

Do you have any idea who this is? Do you remember?...

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Something Serious.

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