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Lesson 5: Don't kiss frogs they are nasty little creatures and run scams involving princes

Grammy is singing on the other side reminding me of the past. As soon as she heard me panting and hyperventilating she started talking in soothing tones and when she ran out of things to say she started singing. Lords! I have missed this, missed her. Missed everything about her that I feel like I am going crazy.

“Grammy”. I say after she has stopped singing. “ Today I met some new people, and …. they are from the other place. Also I am pretty sure that they have powers.” I explained.

On the other side of line grammy has stopped breathing. She released a lond sigh and said “Darling, I am sure that they don't have a power that is too great, otherwise they would not have been allowed to leave that place.”

“Yeah, you have a point. And they were pretty cool people and told me that they would tell me about everything later.” I say.

“Good. Also darling let's be honest even if they dare touch you I would destroy them.” Grammy’s tone is serious with a hint of menace, still she sounds so powerful that I shiver feeling the power dripping from her. She might not possess a power that is too strong but she is a powerful woman in her own right.

"Grammy , can I talk to Tori, I know she was singing with you too" I say.

Tori still hates mobile phones. So we rarely talk like this. When Tori comes on the other end the atmosphere changes. "Tori , I know you won't talk like this but let me just say this now. I miss you love. I am fine now don't worry. Take care of grammy, I want her happy when I return love. Do you miss me love, it has been so long since I last saw you? Protect grammy love, I know you love the old cow as well. Bye I will hang up now."

I am about to hang up when I hear Tori's voice, "Love you and miss you Cali" and then the line is cut.

Hearing her voice lifts my mood immediately. Feeling light and quite frankly happy I make my way through the rest of my classes.


Far far away, actually just in the parallel dimension........

My bleak mood worsened. We just had to have an extremely urgent meeting today. I know I am the prince but sometimes it feels like I am the only one interested in running this planet. I am tired of hearing all the country heads and consultants complaining. Asking about mother, silently criticizing everything I do.

My mother and sister on the other hand spend their days either shopping or in the harem. Yes, the harem full of guys to satisfy their needs. Ughhhh..... I totally didn't need the thought of my mother or sister doing all that.

Lady Corona suddenly comes in my way, blocking the path. She has been trying to get sleep with me since I was 15. I mean, how can she even think of this, her son is one my best friends.

I glare at her and move past her not caring and definitely not stopping to check on her.

I reach the conference room. As always mother is not here. She knows this is a very important meeting. All the other people turn to me with accusations clear in their eyes. As if all this was my fault.

Meeting starts, the scientists tell us that we no longer have necessary resources to keep the artificial sun running. We discussed several things we could do but all were refuted.

"We may try moving to some other parallel universe and eliminate any creatures that live there." comes a voice and we all stop.

Oh lords , I don't know what's worse her attending the meeting or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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