night meetings part nineteen

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Walking hand in hand Kanda and Allen joined the people in the crowd, staying close to avoid getting separated. Allen's eyes remind wide in amazement at the number of people dancing around them and singing. A group of young teens carrying what looked to be hot drinks moved out of their way, and Allen caught sight of a small café with a large brown and black spotted dog wagging its tail at the door. Satisfied that this would do as a good place to sit down and warm up, Allen looked up to tell kanda. Surprised to find him already looking down at him, Allen smiled warmly.

"I think this place will do." He used his free hand to point ahead of them. Kanda turned to see what he was pointing at and gave a small smile, nodding.

When they reached the entrance the large animal took notice of them and stepped in place. Happily ready to greet the new customers. Allen let go of Kanda's hand to rush up and greet the dog. He crouched down and squished the extra skin around his face talking in a cooing voice.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing!" The dog shook with excitement rubbing its face into his gloved hands. Allen peered at the dogs neck when he heard the sound of a bell. Seeing a collar Allen moved it to see the tags. Craved in bold print was the name Belle.

"Aw that's sweet. Nice to meet you Belle." Allen wasn't prepared for the large dog to jump on him. He was sprawled on his back held down by the dogs heavy weight. He laughed as Belle licked his face, sure it was gross but he only chuckled, half heartedly trying to get her off.

"Oi you're going to get all dirty." Allen tilted his head back to see kanda kneeling over the both of them and grinning at the two. Allen ignored him trying to sit up.

"Her names belle! Kanda say hi!" he gently shoved the dog off his chest and grabbed hold of kanda's hand pulling him toward them. Kanda only rolled his eyes as Allen 'helped' him pet the dogs head.

"His name is Belle actually." Allen to his embarrassment jumped at the unfamiliar voice beside him. Twisting his upper body he found a man not much older than kanda leaning against the door frame. Allen's brows came together in confusion before he registered the mans words.

"Ah!" he twisted back around hearing kanda to find the dog now sitting in kanda's lap trying to lick his face. Allen rocked forward laughing as Kanda leaned away from the slobbery tongue. Using his scarf to cover his face.

"Hey moyashi! Help!" Kanda gave a pleading look and Allen gave in calling Belle over. He pushed off of Kanda's chest sending him to the ground and jumped over to Allen.

"Hi big guy. Sorry for the mistake." Allen took the continued nuzzling and licks as forgiveness.

"Now I'm just as dirty as you are." Allen glanced over at kanda standing, wiping dirt and slightly slushy snow off his jacket.

"Whatever Kanda." Belle caught sight of Kanda and made a dash for him again but Allen held him tight. "I think he likes you kanda."

"And that's fine I just don't like the slobber." Kanda rubbed his face. Allen shook his head laughing at him. Loving the way Kanda smiled and laughed back when Belle licked his face.

"I think he's taken a liking to the both of you." Allen had forgotten about the other man but didn't jump. Kanda walked over to Allen and picked him up under the arms. Allen brushed the dirt off himself and gave kanda a beaming smile.

"Well I like him too." Belle did figure eights around him and kanda. "He's so sweet!"

The man extended his hand to Allen, "Sorry where are my manners. I'm Shouto and Welcome to our café ." Allen accepted the hand shake.

"Thank you and I'm Allen," He dropped the handshake and nudged kanda with his shoulder. He was standing closer then before, his expression showing annoyance. "This is Bakanda."

"Moyashi." kanda let out a long sigh.

"Sorry sorry I mean Kanda." Allen didn't like how Kandas mood had shifted so suddenly. He wanted to make him smile again.

"Haha alright. Allen. Kanda." Shouto acknowledged them both with a nod in their direction. "Can I get you a table inside? If that is why your here."

"Oh. Oh! Yeah that would be nice thank you!"

Shouto winked at Allen."Not a problem. It's my job." Shouto pushed open the narrow door holding it open to let them in. "Far corner on the right. You can still see the festival from the window. I'll be back in a minute with hot drinks. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate are all we are offering tonight due to lack of workers, sorry." A wall of warm air and lavender hot them when they entered

"That's fine Shouto." Allen felt a hand slide into his and turned his head to see kanda glaring at something in the opposite direction. Allen frowned and squeezed his hand in, comfort?

"Kanda?" He faced Allen again his features softening at the others concerned gaze.

Kanda smiled reassuringly "Yeah, how about tea?" Allen's frown disappeared and he turned back to Shouto.

"We'll have two teas please." Shouto gave a quick ok then hurried through another set of doors.

"Come on." Allen used their, once again, linked hands to guide kanda to the table. They sat across from each other, barely arms reach. Kanda removed his scarf and folded it neatly onto the table. Allen left his on to bury his still frozen nose in.

Comfortable in the warm room Allen took a moment to observe the café. From the outside it looked like every other building they had walked by, old but well looked after. The inside wasn't much different just more polished. On the other side of the room Allen spotted an elderly couple sitting in front of a fireplace. The sight made him smile and look to kanda. Who raised a brow in question.


"Nothing." Allen rested his elbow on the table and leaned his chin into his hand. "So I think we should get a dog."

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