Appearance of a King

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Jade above 

Do you ever wonder what makes people do the things they do? What makes them tick, I mean. I have always been fascinated by human behavior, and the contrast of Human vs Werewolf behavior. We share a lot of things, like the idea of family and roles of the family. Both are protective of their young, and both punish those who break the rules. Most of the other wolves think humans are primitive barbaric beings, but I think they are closer to us then we think. I mean, we evolved from them. Many moons ago, the Moon Goddess made the first wolf-human. It was an act of punishment on a hunter who killed a rare white wolf, known only as Sheeba. It was said that Sheeba was the alpha of her wild pack, the first female ever known to lead such a pack. 

But the hunter, who's name has long been forgotten, killed her for her fur coat. He was trying to provide for his family, but it upset the Moon Goddess. That night, he went home to his wife and turned them all. They were the First Family, or now known as packs. They adopted the name 'Hunters Pack' but I always wondered why they would want to be remembered for that. I guess that is their curse though. They are the pure-bloods, the strongest of the werewolves in the nation. Every country that connected by land had their alpha packs, and this was ours. I had never met the Alpha and Luna personally, but four years they travel the land to see all the packs and make sure all is well. They were due here today, and the ceremony would be like no other before. Because last week, their son and only heir turned 18, which means he was ready to find his mate. Rumor has it that she couldn't be found in their pack, so they are searching for her now. It wasn't very common for an alphas mate to not be in the same pack, but it does happen sometimes. I'm not very interested in mates, that's why I wasn't upset when I didn't find mine a week ago. I have never really wanted a mate, although I like the idea of being about to count on someone else. I have always been a romantic, and want to be able to choose who I spend my life with. 

Which, I suppose, is an other reason the others in my pack don't think I belong. I have progressive ideas that they don't like. They say I am 'rocking the boat' whatever that means. But all I want is for them to be more open minded, it really isn't that hard to do when you want to. But, enough about that. Everyone has been busy preparing for the Alpha's arrival, and I was suppose to be helping with the decorations for the field we would be meeting in. It was the job of the omegas, but my best friend was an omega so I offered to help out. 

"Jade, thank you so much again. Your the best." Amira said with a grin when I walked through the trees into the field. I smiled at her, and touched her impressively long hair that was flying in the wind. I had always loved her bright red locks, but they had set her apart from the pack and made her an omega. You didn't have to do much to be made an omega in this pack, being different most ways would do it. If you were weaker, you were omega. If you were hurt, you were omega. If you looked different then the rest, you guessed it. But, it wasn't all bad. Omega was just an other way of saying people who need protecting, and I liked that. The weakest links weren't abandoned by the pack, just under estimated. 

"I am happy to help Amira," I said as I picked up a basket of white lilies. "Besides, you need to catch me up on all the drama I have missed." and with that we set to work. The lilies were meant to remind us of the old stories and to make sure we never forgot where we came from. Many of the old stories had been forgotten or changed through the years, so no one was really sure why we had most of our customs. But, we followed them all the same. 

"Did you hear that Shane found his mate? It was that girl Tia from class. You know, the one he always said was too prissy? They are getting married next spring." Amira gossiped, and I gasped for effect. Amira shook her head at me and giggled while she put the lilies into the trees where the Alpha would be standing to give his speech. No one was too sure what he would be telling us this time, it changed with every visit. Last time he just told some of the stories that everyone had forgotten. The Hunters Pack is the keeper of records, so they know most of them. They make sure we don't forget the most important ones to our kind, and he reminds us what happens when we go rogue. It was one of the worst things that could happen to a wolf, and every one dreaded it coming to their pack. 

Our pack has a bad history of rogues, its one of the old stories. A long time ago, there was a fight between Alphas. Back then, there were many alphas, every pack had one. It was all fine, everyone minding their own packs, until there was a war between two packs. All the packs took sides, and it turned into a bloody mess. The bonds were messed with, and as a result some of the wolves lost all love for their packs. They were turned into wolves with human minds, free to do what ever they wanted to do. The bonds are what keeps the peace between all the wolves, and to have no bounds is said to be the loneliest a wolf can be. Just ten years ago, some rogues came onto pack land and wouldn't leave. They weren't really bothering anyone, but our leader drove them away, killing many of them. I was heartbroken by the event, but only Amira knows my involvement in the events that lead to some of them escaping. I would have been kicked out of the pack or killed for my actions. But they were worth it, and I would do it again if I needed to.  

As the moon made its appearance, Amira and I put the finishing touches on the field and parted ways to get ready for the arrival. Well, I mean he was already here in the leaders house preparing for tonight with his family, but he would make his appearance in the field in front of all the wolves in this land. I wanted to look my best, since he was the Alpha after all. 

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