The First Cut

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Hey all! Let me know what you think of this part ;) I will be moving soon so I am going to try to update as much as I can now because soon I might not have internet. BUT, I will try to find a way to update as much as I can. Picture of Parker above ;) 

I could hardly breathe as I waited for Parker in the woods. There were so many things I wanted to ask him, so many things to say. As the sun rose in the sky, I started to wonder if he was really coming. But, a twig snapped in the distance, and I whirled around to see Parker walking through the underbrush. He wore only cloth shorts, his hair a tangled mess. He stared at me as if his eyes could see straight into my soul. I watched as he stalked forward, and stopped to stand in front of me. 

"What is your name?" He asked, his voice husky and out of breath. I blushed. I hadn't even thought to introduce myself earlier, things had happened so fast. 

"My name is Jade." was all I managed to get out. He reached up toward my face but ended up touching my braided hair that had come over my shoulder. 

"Such a pretty name..." He mused, lost in thought it would seem. It was like magic, looking at my mate finally. I didn't think I cared about finding my mate, but now that he was here it was like my life was complete. All those things I thought were important didn't matter anymore, because I had him now. 

"Thank you," I replied, trying not to stare too much. I didn't want to seem creepy. He looked into my eyes and sighed. 

"So, Jade. I want to keep this under wraps until after I am done touring the packs. I don't want important issues to get buried with the excitement of a new luna-to-be. I hope you understand, I just want what's best for the packs." he told me softly, and I nodded along. Of course, I understood, it made so much sense. Once the other packs found out about us, they wouldn't heed the warning about the danger as much. It would be much better to keep it a secret until after. "My family will be passing through here again in a month. I will come back for you, and we will announce our mating then. I can't wait to show you off to everyone and hold your hand for the rest of our lives." He gushed, seemingly happy that I had agreed with him. 

"But, we can still spend time together here, right? It would kill me not to see you while you are so close."I whimpered, and he shushed me with a finger. 

"Of course Princess, we can meet at this spot every day at dawn." 

The two weeks passed too quickly, but I loved every morning I spent with Parker. He was so sweet, whispering sweet nothings to be. On the third day, we had mated. Of course, we couldn't mark each other yet, as that would allow any wolf around to know we were mates, but it was still wonderful without the marking. Every day after that we mated in the woods, feeling more and more close to each other. I watched as they left with Amira by my side. Since she had been right there when Parker and I found out we were mates, there was no point trying to hide anything from her. Plus, I needed someone to gush to after my daily romps with Parker. She drank in every drop of gossip I gave her and was the best friend I could have asked for. But, as the Alpha family left, Amira turned to me with a sad look in her eye. 

"Jade, are you sure he is coming back? It's strange that he didn't want to mark you right away." Amira looked puzzled, and her nose was all wrinkled. I laughed, shaking my head. 
"Oh Amira, you worry too much. This is just the way things need to be right now, for the good of all the packs. He will come back in a month, you will see." I told her, but she still appeared doubtful. But, she nodded anyway and danced around me. 
"So, are you going to live at the Alpha house then? I'm going to miss you so much!" I laughed as I followed Amira as she danced back down the path. I skipped after her, unable to control my happiness. Things were just perfect, but I knew I was going to miss Parker while he was gone. And I hadn't even thought about the fact I would need to leave my pack behind to be with my mate. Things just seemed so great that I hadn't thought about the things I would be giving up. I will have a whole new life waiting for me when Parker comes back for me. My thoughts began to linger on all those mornings, they seemed so far away now. I hoped Parker would be okay because I was beginning to feel a pain in my heart from him being away. I had felt it every time he left me in the woods, but knowing it would be so long before I saw him again made it somehow worse. 

I kinda drifted through the next 2 weeks, waiting to hear anything about Parker. News spread of him in the other packs, visiting and still 'looking for his mate'. I chuckled when I heard this, knowing it was just to keep things the way he wanted them. I was making supper for my mom and dad when Amira came bursting through the front door, panting like crazy. I ran to her, expecting rogues to be on her tail. But, there was no one there. I looked at her as she shifted back to a human form, and ran to get her a spare dress from my room. She pulled it on and opened her mouth. But, no sound comes out. I got her a drink of water, and she thanked me with a nod. After a few moments, she had drained the glass. 

"Amira, are you alright?" I finally asked her, and she shook her head causing her hair to fall in her face. 

"Jade, there is news from the Black Water pack near the borders." Amira got out before taking a deep breath. My stomach turned in a knot. I had had a sick feeling this morning, but I had waved it off as missing Parker like I always did. But, what if it was something more? What if my Parker had been hurt by the rogues! 
"Amira, tell me. Is Parker okay?" I grabbed her arm, and she flinched. As an omega, she was weaker then I was. I loosened my grip but did not let go. "Tell me please!" 

Amira was shaking, but I soon learned it was not from fear or sorrow. "Jade. News has come that Parker has found his mate." I sighed, relieved. So, he had decided to tell the packs. That wasn't a huge deal. Seeing me relax, Amira began to cry. "You don't understand Jade. His 'mate' is in the Black Water pack! He has told the whole world that this she-wolf is his mate, and no one knows the truth! Not even his father." Amira reached for me, but I backed up. No, this couldn't be true. But, somewhere in my mind, I knew it was. I knew that Parker had betrayed me for the other wolf. He did not love me as I loved him, I had always felt it. But, I had pushed it all away because he was my mate, and I loved him so much. Amira peered up at me from her seat, begging me with her eyes to speak to her. 

"Amira, thank you for coming to tell me. You are a good friend." I said stiffly and she stood. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. I felt the tears welling up, and I let it all go. Nothing would make me feel better now, besides killing that mangy cur that had taken away my mate. But, I knew I could not go down that road. If I let my hate build, my link to the pack could fall away, leaving me without the bonds. And that was not what I wanted, at least not yet. As I felt my heartbreak, I also felt something else. I felt the faint urge to run away from the pack, and from Parker. It started small, but soon built into a panic. The walls of my home began to close in on me, I needed to get out. The room swirled around, and I gripped Amira tight. 

"Mira, something is wrong! Help me!" I cried out in fear, and she pulled at me to pull me outside. The woods were in the distance, and I wanted to run and hide in them. To keep running until I was far away. "Amira, what is wrong with me? What is happening?" My skin was crawling, itching all over. Amira looked me over head to toe, feeling my forehead. 

"I don't know!" she cried, trying to hold me in place as my feet tried to take me to the woods. "We need to go to Gran Hilda. She will know what's going on. Maybe you're in shock?" Amira was pulling at me again, leading me away from the woods. My inner wolf howled to come out, but I suppress it. Now would not be a good time to turn, there were too many people around who might get hurt with the state I was in. I felt her tugging, and I tried to move in the direction she pulled, as much as my feet wanted to pull me away from here. It seemed like ages before we stumbled up to the door of the wise elder, and Amira pounded on the door. 

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