From Whens They Came

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Hey guys! I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to update, but I promise I will try to be more consistent now that my laptop is in working order :) I just can't seem to type things the way I want to on my phone. So, sit back and enjoy an other chapter of You'll Be Sorry. Picture of the cabin Jade came across. 

I sat on a dusty sofa and looked at the note I had found. It appeared that the cabin had been taken care of, but the layers of dust told me that no one had lived here for many years. I limped to the kitchen, but there was nothing in the cabinets. I sighed as my stomach gave a half-hearten rumble. If my leg hadn't been injured, I would have just gone and hunted something down. But in the state I was currently in, I would probably turn into the prey if I went out there. I would just have to wait until it healed before I could get some food. It would take a week or two to fully heal, but I would need to find a way to keep it straight so it didn't heal the wrong way. But, in a few days, it would be healed enough for me to catch a bird or mouse. I glanced around the cabin but didn't see anything I could use right away. I huffed and shook my head. What was I doing? I didn't know how to survive on my own, I had always been part of the pack. They had always taken care of me, even when my parents died in a fight with another pack of wolves. Sure, I had hunted for fun before, but nothing too big. Maybe a few rabbits that happened to fall in my path while I went for my runs. But now, I would need to not only take care of myself but soon a cub. I felt tears running down my face, thinking about all that I had lost. I hadn't really had the time to think about things, everything happened so fast. Now that I was alone and not being chased anymore, the weight of what had happened hit me. I no longer had a pack. I had no friends, no family, no nothing. All that I had was a suspicious cabin, and a cub I hadn't asked for. All I had wanted was to find my mate and live happily ever after. Why did I have to be some part of something bigger? Why couldn't I have a normal life? 

I was pulled out of my self made pity party when I saw movement outside a window. Due to the layer of grim, I couldn't clearly see what was out there. I lurched over to the window and peered through the best I could. A man-shaped blob was at the tree line, some 100 yards from the cabin. He seemed to be stepping carefully and stopped suddenly. He placed something in the grass, and immediately turned back into the trees, hopping a bit on one foot. I waited by the window for ten minutes, not wanting to move a muscle until I was sure whoever it was, was gone. When I was sure there hadn't been any more movement, I cleared part of the window with my shirt sleeve to try and get a better look at whatever it was he had put down. It appeared to be a wicker basket, full of something. I inched towards the door, wary that this might be a trap. I opened the door a crack and sniffed the air. I could smell the person that had been here, it was the same wolf as before. The one who had distracted my former pack mates before they could injure or kill me. I sniffed the air for a long time, waiting to see if it got any stronger. But the scent was fading, telling me that he had moved away from here. I pulled myself along the lawn, dragging my leg behind me when needed. I picked up the basket and brought it back to the cabin, locking the door behind me before I dared look at what was in it. I set the basket on the ground and sat beside it.  On top of the basket was a notepad of paper, with the first page written on in the same handwriting as the note. I read the note, not really understanding what it meant. 


Do not despair, for the fates have aligned as they should. No male may set foot on your safe haven without your say so, and we will be guarding against the threats that will come. Don't trouble yourself with stress, I will bring you what you need until you can provide on your own. We will not let any harm come to you and your cub. Use the pad to let us know what you may need, and we will provide it. The nights are cold, but you are no longer alone.

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