Broken Bonds

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Alpha above. Sorry for the late update! I know I have been terrible at updating, but a lot has been going on in my life, too much to explain. But I love all the love I get from my readers, and I hope that my stories can take you outside your worlds, and give you an enchanting story to follow <3

Gran Hilda opened the door so quickly that Amira tumbled through the doorway, dragging me in with her.  I had started clawing her face in an attempt to get to the woods and away from here. A low growl echoed through the small room, and Gran Hilda stood watching. She slammed the door closed and threw down a wooden block, locking us in the room. 

"Amira Child, step away from her at once!" She barked sternly, and Amira let me go. I immediately rushed the door, but it held firm. I pulled and scratched until my nails ripped off and bled, but the wood did not budge. I was close to shifting and leaving it in splitters, but Gran Hilda grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and held on no matter how hard I struggled. As I growled and shouted profanities, she turned to Amira for an explanation. Amira stumbled through the story, and Gran sighed heavily. 

"Did they complete the mating?" Gran Hilda sounded her years just then, and my struggling lessened as I felt ashamed that I was trying to rip off the limbs of an elder. I tried to get myself under control and was only feebly clawing at the wood like a kitten. Amira must have nodded, because Gran Hilda sighed again, more deeply, and let go of my neck. I looked up at her with tear-filled eyes, hoping she could tell me what was happening to me. Amira stepped closer to me, wanting to comfort me, but Gran Hilda put out a hand. "Do not approach her Child. I understand your bond, but in this state, she will greatly harm you." I didn't want to believe it, but the blood running down her arms and face told another story. 

"Please Gran Hilda, what is happening to her? Is it because of the rejection? I have never heard of this happening before." Amira pleaded, and Gran Hilda watched me closely. She sniffed in my direction and hissed through her teeth. She took a large step back and shook her head in disbelief. 

"Sadly, Child, I have. It's only natural that your friend wishes to run from the pack. Her life is at risk, and she must protect it. Her wolf is driving her now, be cautious." Gran Hilda walked to her kitchen and brought back three cups and a teapot. She poured a cup and left it on the floor near the door for me. She did not try to convince me to move or stop clawing the door, and the tea smelled very nice. She poured two more cups and handed one solemnly to Amira. 

"Girls, I will tell you the story of what has befallen us. It is an old story, one that is mostly forgotten now. I was a young one when the Alpha came and told us the tale. Long ago, there was a young she-wolf who found her mate. Oh, how she danced around her home, dreaming of what her life would be with her love beside her. They were happy, for a time. But, her mate was a cur, not from our pack. Not much was known about him, but she wouldn't listen to reason. She ended into the mating ritual, without being marked by her mate. Weeks passed, and things seemed to be alright. But, things were taking a turn for the worse. One day, the man left, never to return. Before long, he found another, and marked her as his mate, forgetting about his true mate. The next day, half the pack died trying to stop her from leaving the pack lands. The elders at the time had to kill the she-wolf, fearing she had gone mad. It was only after her death that the truth was revealed, of why the she-wolf changed so drastically." Gran Hilda looked at me in pity and shook her head. 

"Please Gran Hilda, tell us. What was wrong?" I managed to get out between low growls, and Amira nodded quickly, unable to look directly at me. I looked at my hands, which were slowly healing now that I wasn't furiously trying to break down the door. I still had the feeling in my gut, like there was a rope around my waist and someone was trying to tug me into the woods, farther even. I wanted to disappear into the sunset and never come back to this place. But, I loved my pack. How could I wish to leave them and become a rogue? 

"Well child, there is only one thing that can make a she-wolf leave her pack behind like this. Your wolf seeks to protect her cub." I didn't want to believe it, but somewhere in me, I knew it was true. I was carrying my mates' cub, my mate who didn't want me. I felt a pang go through me and started clawing the door a bit harder. "Many years ago, a spirit elder saw a vision. In this vision, a young she-wolf births a child without going through the marking. It was said that this she-wolf would challenge the throne, and rise above the Alpha family. This would mean, that this wolf will wipe out the Alpha family, and destroy the peace we know now. So, the Alpha's declared that all unmarked pregnant wolves be held in prison, and their cub cast into the woods to be eaten by rogues." Gran Hilda kept looking at me like she was trying to think of a way to restrain me. As an elder, it was her duty to follow the decrees of the Alpha family. She made a pledge to put the pack before anything else, and I couldn't really blame her if she did try to attack me. But, I couldn't let my bond to the elders interfere with my cub. It was all that mattered now, and I could feel my bonds already breaking from the pact. Even Amira looked like a threat to me. I growled at them, backing against the door in a crouch. Amira sobbed, reaching only a hand toward me. Gran Hilda shook her head at Amira, and didn't take her eyes off of me. She was inching towards me, and I skittered away from her, clawing in her direction. 

"My child, it pains me to see you this way. If I had only known this was the future in store for you, I would have prepared you better. I would have taught you so much more. I thought I had time..." she seemed to be speaking more to herself now, mussing about life and choices. She was still watching me closely. Before I could blink, the door was broken through. I didn't realize that such an old she-wolf would have so much strength. "Go, child. Run and don't look back." 

And I took off, with Amira's screams filling the air behind me. My heart tore as the bonds fell away, leaving only me and my cub intact. All the feelings and love I had, lost forever as I knew I could never return here again. It was the worst, and the best feeling I had ever felt in my life. The pain of Parker's betrayal was a distant memory now. Pack members jumped out of my way as I raced through the streets, determined to make it to the woods before anyone else noticed that my scent had changed. I could tell that a few higher up members could sense it, but by the time they would get to our leader, I would be long gone in the woods. 

I hoped.

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