Chapter 9

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Kaia's P.O.V:
I walk out of the Sand Bar and back to Marissa, who still sits in the same position as before.

I sit on the blanket and stare out to sea. It was a really beautiful night, too bad that jerk had to ruin it.

Thank goodness I got away fast enough. I never want to see him again. Not after he said it was my fault and that I was 'too short'. Ugh! Who does he think he is?

My thoughts are interrupted as Marissa clears her throat to speak.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" she says, leaning on my shoulder.

"Not one bit!" I replied, still looking out to sea.

"Well, stop thinking about that and enjoy the party! Don't let one guy ruin the whole night for you!" Marissa tells me and I nod, not saying a word.

"On second thought, Marissa, I think I'm just gonna head off, I'm not really feeling this party vibe anymore, but you should stay and enjoy your night. Okay?" I say to mybest friend

"Alright, you can go. I'll take a taxi home if I don't go home with some guy..." Marissa says, laughing loudly.

Her infectious laugh makes me start laughing too.

"You really are crazy, Marissa Samuels," I say to her, giving her a big hug.

"And that jerk really ruined your night, Kaia Collins," she says in reply, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll call you tomorrow before coming over," says Marissa.

"Okay." I walk away from her and to the direction of the bonfire, hoping to find Ally.


Just as I thought--Ally is standing near the bonfire, talking to Lisa. I walk up to her and told her that it was time to go. She looks a bit sad but shrugs it off and says okay.

I tell her to say bye to her friends and meet me by the car in ten minutes. She mutters a "thank you" and continues talking to Lisa.

I continue walking up and away from the beach, then climb up the stairs and find myself in the parking lot.

I pull out my phone to check the time.It's getting late. I walk to the end of the parking lot and sit on a bench facing my car, which was parked in the last parking space in the corner.

I sit and stare back down to the beach. It really looked like everyone was having fun. Then there's me, who's not 'feeling it'. God! Why am I so socially awkward?!
I pull out my phone again to text Ally when I heard someone scoff.

I turn around to see someone coming out from behind a tree.

"Why am I so socially awkward?"he repeats.

I look at him and realise what he had just said. Guess I must have said it out loud, because he heard me, and now he's mocking me.

"Look, okay, I'm not looking for company and I am definitely not looking for trouble," I say to him as he keeps on walking towards me. I wish it was brighter so I could see him better; right now he still looks like a shadow.

I look down at the ground, waiting for him to just disappear--but he doesn't. Instead, he stops right in front of me.
I turn on the flashlight on my phone and shine it on the stranger before me.

"You!" I say, standing up from the bench trying to get away once I realised who it was. His green eyes looked lighter under the flashlight, he almost looked pleasant--but no!

"Hey, you were the one who said it, I just asked myself the same question," he says, trailing behind me.
I continue to walk away from him and I got a hell of a shock when he reached out and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face him.

I shine my flashlight once again, directly in his face just to annoy him.

"Wait, please. I just want to talk to you," he says, looking into my eyes, his green eyes luring me in. I stare at him, my eyes wide and face pale.

Oh, boy, am I in trouble.

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