Chapter 15

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The walk to my car felt like forever. The sun was really hot today. I shouldn't have worn jeans. What on earth made me think that it was a good idea to wear jeans in this heat?

Dani must be feeling the heat too. I hope I see her again in class or something; she seems nice. I guess today started on a good note, I hope it stays that way too.

Finally I arrived at the parking lot. I look for my car keys in my bag when a motorcycle stops in the spot next to me.

"Nice ride," someone says to me.

I turn around to see a girl with a leather jacket and black jeans get off the motorcycle.

"Right back at you," I say, looking at her bike.

"Ever been on one of these?" she asks me with a smile.

"Never. I don't think I'm as fearless and wild as you," I say, meaning it.

She doesn't say a thing, just laughs.

"I like to be called free-spirited, not wild", she says.

Then she stops and looks at me closely.

"Hey, I think I've seen you somewhere, you look familiar," she says to me, scanning me from top to bottom.

"That can't be, I just got here this morning," I reply.

She takes a step back and looks at me again.

"Oh my gosh! I know where I saw you! I do! I remember!. You were at that beach party last Saturday. You were the girl I shook hands with. I'm Elena, remember?"

Oh my... it was her. Elena. I knew I also recognised her, but she kinda looks different when she's not in a tight dress and heels. She looks really different.

"Yep. I remember you," I say bluntly. Wish I could forget that night though.

"Where did you go off to? I didn't see you again after you left the Sand Bar," Elena questions me while we sit on a side bench.

"Oh. I had to leave. My sister wanted to go home and I wasn't really having fun so I decided to head home too," I say to her.

"Anyway, I have to go now, I have heaps of stuff to move into my room. I haven't started, so I'm—"

"Let me help you," Elena cuts in.

"Oh, no, I couldn't possibly let you do that, you must have other, better things you should be doing," I tell her.

"Nah, I'm actually just hanging around here waiting for my girl. I totally insist on helping you," she said with a genuine smile.

"Okay, fine. You can help," I say, smiling back at her.

I drive my car to the front of the dorms so it will be easier to get my stuff out and up the stairs. Elena follows on her bike and parks it next to my car.

We each carry two boxes up the stairs and to the second floor. Elena tells me all about what her first year in college was like and the good things that happened, like getting together with her girlfriend at Stafford, Rachel.

Elena seems like a really chill person to hang around. I can picture myself being her friend.

Once we get to room twenty-seven, I insert the key and unlock the door. Inside there are two beds, two study desks, and two closets. In between the two beds is a massive window with blinds.

Hmm. Seems decent enough, I guess.

"It may look empty and boring now, but just wait till your new roommate gets here. You guys are going to have so much fun. I just know it," Elena says, putting down the two cartons she carried on top of my bed.

Life Of Kaia (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें