Chapter 69

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Kaia's P.O.V:

Wednesday 3:05pm
"Please Ma'am, just five more seconds" I plead as my horrible teacher walks up to collect my paper. I write as fast as I can, jotting down my answer to the last question. Just as I gave my sentence a full stop, she grabbed my paper off me.

"Time is time, Miss Collins. Next time remember that".

I gave her a grumpy look before gathering up my stuff. I shoved my pen back in my bag and swung it over my shoulder, walking out. Why couldn't this paper be like my business one, it was tough but at least I finished it on time and the teacher wasn't such a meanie. I'm seriously considering switching subjects next semester.

I haven't heard a single thing from Ash and it's driving me crazy. I have no idea whether he's still in hospital or has he been discharged. Heck, I don't even know which hospital he was taken to. Axel hasn't even called me once to update me, I just feel so uneasy.

"Hard day?" Someone says from behind me as I'm walking towards the library.

I quickly turned around and saw who it was. For a second I was hoping it would be Ash, like it always is- but no.

"Jason! Yeah it's been a horrible day from the start. I was late to my first paper and now I couldn't finish this one on time. I'm slowly passing away, I can feel it" I ranted as we walked side by side down the walkway.

Jason laughed at my dramatic explanation of events that happened today. He had on gym shorts and a vest, most probably on his way to practice.

"Is it hard playing college ball?" I asked, rethinking my life.

He chuckled at my question but thought about it for a bit before replying.

"It's not that hard, because I've been playing since high school. But balancing school and playing football, now that's tough. You have to be on top of your school work in order to stay on the team" He explained.

"Okay, that just made me a bit more thankful" I said, laughing.

"I'm glad" He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled, glad that we're friends now with no bad blood.

"I'm headed in to meet a friend, you?"I asked, gesturing at the library. He stood there and awkwardly scratched his head, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"What?" I asked, confused by his actions.

"It's nothing, I just forgot where I was heading, now I feel silly, the field is all the way on the other side and here I am with you outside the library. Gotta run" He said before rushing in the opposite direction of the library.

"Bye" I replied, waving him off.

Well that was weird. Anyway, back to reality. Todd must be waiting for me.

I jogged up the steps two at a time and entered the library. I gave my bag to the librarian behind the counter and she kindly handed me a number.

I took it and began scanning the area for Todd. I checked by the long study tables but he wasn't there so I figured he'd be at the back, in the lounge. I walked as quietly as I could making sure my favorite boots don't make too much noise on the hardwood floors.

Just as I thought, there he was nose deep into some old newspaper. Just looking at it made my nose twitch, it looks as if it's from the early 1900's.

"Todd" I said, taking a seat opposite him.

"Kaia" He replied in an uninterested tone, not even bothering to put the newspaper down.

"Seriously? You're not even gonna put that old thing down to look at your best friend?" I asked, folding my arms.

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