Happy Birthday

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"Mama! Mama! Wake up! I'm five today!" Jordan yelled in Beyoncé's room. 

She peeked out of her covers and Jordan was jumping up and down. She rolled her eyes because she knew it was very early but it didn't matter. She got out from her covers and grabbed him and started kissing him.

"You happy baby!" She said kissing him.

"Yes." He said laughing.

"Well go get cleaned up and dressed. Pick out what you wanna wear." She said.

"I can?" He said.

"Yep, go ahead!" She said.

Jordan ran to his room and Beyoncé fell back on to her bed. She looked over at the clock. It was seven am. She got up to shower and put on some clothes. When she was ready she grabbed her purse and went to her son's room. She saw him dressed and she was pleasantly surprised. He picked out some good clothes.

"I did good mama?" He asked.

"Uh huh." She said. "So where you wanna go this early? Your party's not till later."

"The Waffle House." He said.

"Okay." She said.

"Can Shawn come?" He asked.

"I don't know you have to call to see if he's up." She said.

She called Shawn and gave Jordan the phone.

Shawn was sleep until he heard his phone vibrate.

"Hello." He said.

"Shawn!" He heard.

"Hey Birthday boy, wassup." He said.

"Mama taking me to get food. I want you to come too." Jordan said.

"Foreal? Is mama paying for me too?" Shawn asked.

"Hold on." He said.

Shawn started getting up going to the bathroom to wash his face and brushing his teeth.

"Shawn don't play with me." Beyoncé said and he laughed.

"Okay, I'm getting ready." He said.

"We'll be waiting in the car." She said and hung up.

Shawn got dressed and grabbed his wallet and one of Jordan's presents. He went out the door and saw them waiting in the car. Beyoncé looked over and saw Shawn coming. Shawn opened the back door and dapped up Jordan.

"Happy Birthday lil man." He said and gave him a basketball.

"Thank you." Jordan said. "Mama, look what I got."

"I see baby." She said as Shawn got in the passenger seat and Beyoncé pulled off.

They went to the Waffle House because that's where he wanted to go. They ate breakfast and let Jordan get anything he wanted which was chocolate chip pancakes. Beyoncé knew he would be off the wall but it didn't matter. When they got back to the house all her sisters smothered him in kisses along with her mama. He played with Joey while Beyoncé went on errands to get things for the party and Shawn rode along with her.

"Bey! Think fast!" Shawn said as he threw a beach ball at her.

They were in Party City.

"Oww! Shawn stop playing." She said.

"Bey, loosen up." Shawn said walking up to her in a hula skirt and 2017 glasses.

"Shawn you look ridiculous." She said laughing.

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