Chapter 9

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Dedicated to Books-lolol, why? Because I replied to your comment on asking me to update, I said I would update later that night or the day after but it's been like almost 2 weeks since then. I feel bad for that, maybe you got your hopes up and was disappointed so this chapter is dedicated to you!

I've decided on something, I think a lot of you did want Rey to go to the school. At first I wasn't planning on doing that but I've decided to change my mind. Rey will attend the school after all. But he still won't interact much with the capture targets nor will he get a harem. Leo will probably be the target he talks to the most other than Chris. 

Rey's Pov

Waking up in the morning, I'm not sure how I got home yesterday. I only remember pushing Chris and running off. *sigh* I bury myself further into my blanket, turning into a human burrito. "He won't hate me right?" I said to myself. 

After the lips touching thing with Chris, I'm not calling it a kiss!, the nervous, shy feeling I get around him once awoken. His handso-his face just keeps popping up in my head! I keep remembering the feeling of his lips! I thought it was just a phase, is it not? Don't tell me I l-love him? But we're guys! He's straight anyways..

I really, really didn't want to go to the school today. I didn't want to see Chris or anybody else. I just wanted to stay in my human burrito form and sulk at my forever one sided love. 

Sighing again, I got up and went towards my mirror beside my wardrobe. "Okay let's do this" I tried to picture Chris in the mirror and tried talking to him. But as soon as his face appeared in the *mirror, I immediately went full on tomato. "I-I.." How did I talk to him before? "S-sup b-bro??" I raised my right hand for a handshake and saw the cheesy smile I had on my face in the mirror. Something's wrong, it feels different from usual. 

(A/N): *Chris' face didn't actually appear, it only appeared in Rey's head

"Let's try this again" I cleared my mind and tried once more. "H-hey Chase! Sorry about the thing yesterday." Yesss!! I did it! That was natural right? I fist pumped at my achievement and went downstairs to get Lily's bento before leaving. 

(A/N): *whispers* Rey his name is Chris.

Waiting by the usual spot at school, I eventually saw Chris walking my way. He's not gonna be disgusted by me right? "Hello Rey" a smile hung loosely on his lips. "Are you okay? You know the kiss yesterday? I don't want you to be bothered about it." 

"" I had no idea what to reply back "H-hey!" I said too loudly "T-the thing yester-owie! Mah tong, ah bit mah tong" It hurtsss! "Rey are you okay?" Chris repeated. "Y-yes! Sorry!" "Why are you apologizing?" 

"Sorry about the thing yesterday and then pushing you.." and for loving you.. I kept the last words in. I don't want to ruin our friendship and I especially don't want Chris to hate me. Even in modern times, being homosexual isn't widely accepted, it's probably even worse in this time period. 

"No, you don't have to apologize, it's my fault for putting you in danger." a warm smile laid on his face while his hand patted my head. Like usual, by now my face was gradually reddening. I was glad to see my sister coming towards us in the distance.

Weirdly, Lily was acting strange, she seemed mad at me and was giving me the cold shoulder. Did I do something wrong? She only snatched the bento away and left without a word. Is she mad that I haven't been paying as much attention to her? Maybe she wanted me to go shopping with her yesterday. She did ask me for some money. 

Afterwards I went to go find Alex, I need a serious talk with him right now. Maybe a hug too just cause he's cute. How should I go forward with loving Chris? Am I even allowed to love him? I feel so stressed right now with all these emotions bottled up inside me. Frustration, anger, sadness, fear and hope. These feelings in me are slowly getting out of control. What should I do?



This is short but I posted 2 chapters and the other one was around 1,300 words and this one is around 800 words, which to me is enough. 

Thanks for reading!

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