9. A Blast from the Past

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Lakitu: Previously on Total Drama Mushroom World Tour, things started to seriously get... serious. Bowser and Peach had an awkward confrontation, while Metal Mario and Wario continued their rivalry. The challenge was set in Moo Moo Farm, where the Mega Men struck gold after promising each other not to lose. The Super Stars placed second, thanks to Luigi. Even by saving his team, they still hate him for plotting to eliminate Blooper. This left the Heart Girls stranded in last place, and sending Peach out of the game. With now only three members left, will the Heart Girls ever find themselves on the top again? Will Metal Mario or Wario finally eliminate each other? And what's in store for the show now that there are only clone characters, instead of the original characters, left? I'm looking at you, Metal Mario and Pink Gold Peach. Find out today, on Total Drama Mushroom World Tour!

(In first class...)

Wario: *eats three cookies and farts* Mmm... delicious.

Metal Mario: Wario!

Wario: Shut it, you. You're just jealous.

Metal Mario: What is there to be jealous of? Your terrible body odor? Your disgustingly large appetite? Your extreme fatness?

Wario: Hey, you're a liar! I smell sexy, eat sexy, and have sexy muscles.

Metal Mario: Wow, I'm so mesmerized by you... *rolls his eyes*

Confessional: Wario: Geez, what is it with Metal Mario? Someone needs to appreciate me more, and he's definitely not doing that. Not like I want him to. Darn tin can needs to go recycle himself for a better cause.

Confessional: Metal Mario: All I want is a stable team! If Wario isn't going to cooperate with me, he can feel free to jump out of the plane. Without a parachute.

Bowser: All those two do is fight, it's no good having an alliance anymore...

Koopa: Hehe, finally!

Bowser: Huh?

Koopa: I knew you'd switch sides eventually! Now, if you join me, we can take out those two.

Bowser: I'm sorry, I just can't trust alliances anymore. I hope you understand. *walks away*

Koopa: WHAT?!

Goomba: Dude, chill out. If Bowser is so keen on not being in an alliance, he'll make sure not to vote with any of them.

Bob-omb: This basically means we have the majority!

Goomba and Bob-omb: And majority rules!

Pink Gold Peach: *from behind some crates* Majority rules? Time to break that...

(In loser class...)

Luigi: C'mon, Yoshi! Work with me here.

Yoshi: It truly is a hard decision...

Luigi: You may be with the majority on our team now, but once I'm gone you'll be next! Think about it. The least we can do is have a tiebreaker between me and Blooper. Right?

Confessional: Yoshi: Luigi has been bugging me nonstop about alliances and whatnot. I would much rather win before I actually have to make up my mind.

Toad: Blooper, Luigi has it out to get you.

Blooper: *nods* Bloo...

Toad: But I think our best strategy is to just win. We still have our fingers–

Blooper: *holds up his hands*

Toad: A-and stubs, yes, around Yoshi. There's no way he'll snap.

Confessional: Blooper: *panicking* Bloo bloo bloo bloo bloop!

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