Chapter Twenty Nine : The Girl Who Gave Him Hope

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Third person's POV [Logan]

Logan scampered towards the bathroom and his eyes widened at the ghastly sight. Joy was bleeding severely and even coughing up a bit of blood in the sink. She meekly glanced at Logan and held her handkerchief to her nose, trying hard to cover her face. Logan didn't know whether she was pinching her nose to stop the bleeding or trying to cover her face. If it was the latter, it was dumb of her to hide since it was obvious. The handkerchief served no purpose because it was soaked with blood.

Joy's knees buckled and her legs seemed to give out. She clinged to the sink, preventing herself from falling. Logan was frozen with shock and as soon as he came back to his senses, he quickly lifted Joy by her arms and placed her on the floor.

"I-I'm fine," she croaked while trying to dismiss him, but the blood was flowing profusely. It was red everywhere, on her clothes and now on the floor. She was losing a lot of blood and panic swamped Logan as he stupidly rubbed her back. When he finally could grasp the entire situation, he took a sharp breath and stood up.

"Wait right here Joy, I-I'll call someone." He rushed outside the small bathroom and picked up his phone from the round table. He fumbled with the buttons and dread and terror settled in the pit of his stomach when he realized there was no network.

The harsh gales blew outside with such fury that the windows rattled. With little hope, Logan checked Joy's own phone and it didn't have network either. The storm outside was responsible for this major error. Logan could feel himself trembling with trepidation as he tried his best to calm himself. Joy needed him.

His gaze momentarily flickered to Gemma who was seated on the bed with her face buried in her hands, rocking back and forth. She had completely freaked out and now she was muttering something repeatedly under her breath, a shudder travelling through her body each time the lightning struck outside.

Logan strode towards Gemma with determination and touched her shoulders. She cringed away and looked up in alarm. He immediately backed away noticing her discomfort, but his gaze on her was firm.

She averted her eyes at the floor and Logan explained clearly, "Your sister is hurting and we need to help her together. She's losing a lot of blood and we need to do something quick. Really quick--- damn it, look at me. Gemma, look here, this is important. I said fucking look at me!"

He didn't mean to raise his voice at her, but she was not listening to him. There was no time to deal with her though he understood the reason why she was petrified. She didn't know how to help her sister and was suffering through her own mental breakdown.

"Goddamn it, just listen! Are you fucking listening--- "

"Stop!" Gemma screamed hotly and her hands started to twitch vigorously. Tears were streaming down her face. Logan swallowed hard, but stood rooted at his spot. He was taken aback by her outburst, but wasn't frightened. He gave her two minutes to breathe, his gaze darting between the bathroom and her anxiously.

"Look at me," Logan demanded again, this time softening his tone. Stress was gnawing him in the inside, chewing his heart, mind and soul. But he had to remain relaxed for the sake of all of them. He couldn't lose his temper, it would only cause mayhem. He stooped a little, his shoulders sagging and gently wiped Gemma's tears with his hands. She recoiled back, but he didn't move. "Listen Gemma, your sister's in there and she's hurting. We need to take her to the hospital and you have to help. I know there's a storm outside, but if-if we don't do anything, your sister can die. Do you understand? Your sister can die. Do you want your sister to die?"

Something tugged at his own heart when mentioning that Joy could die, but he couldn't be vague. Time was running out and he had to take her to the hospital. Under his scrutinizing gaze, Gemma nodded slowly.

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