Chapter Sixty Two : The Girl, Her Strength

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Third Person's POV [Logan's POV]

Logan and Gizmo, the chocolate coloured Labrador jogged towards Joy's house. Logan had got this dog from his friend who was going out for a two weeks' vacation. Perfect timing. He had offered to look after him since he knew that a dog would provide some sort of protection against what his uncle was plotting for him. He wasn't going to drag the poor creature into his mess, but he knew that a dog could threaten any man at least a bit.  However, he wasn't sure about Gizmo. Although, he was sturdy, he was quite friendly with people. Gizmo had already warmed up to him.

He threw a biscuit at Gizmo who ate it wholeheartedly. Logan felt his lips twitch upwards against his will at his eager eyes. He was too warming up to Gizmo, it was impossible to stay sombre around him. 

Joy's mum was just leaving for grocery shopping when he arrived at her house. She laughed when Gizmo tugged at her skirt, patted him affectionately and then welcomed Logan kindly. Logan returned her greetings politely and clambered up the stairs to Joy's room, Gizmo trailing behind him obediently.

The door was open so he let himself in. He immediately let go of the leash and hugged Joy's fragile body, giving her a brief kiss. She puckered her lips childishly. "Kiss me properly you dummy."

"JJ . . . Logan," Gemma's voice interrupted, taking them by surprise. They glanced at the door where she stood, her gaze darting to Gizmo. "Who's dog is this?"

"Dog? Oh Logan . . . You bought it here right. I didn't even see it entering," Joy said absently, bewildered that she hadn't noticed Gizmo before. "Who gave it to you?"

"My friend, he's gone to Bali and wanted me to look after Gizmo,"  Logan lied partially, still not wanting Joy to know about his uncle's messages. Gemma was now crouched beside Gizmo, brushing his shiny coat. "His name is Gizmo."

"He's so cute!" Joy gushed and Gemma nodded in agreement. Joy tried to get up to pet Gizmo, but instantly sat back and winced in pain. In the weeks that followed their lovely date, Joy couldn't walk anymore like she used to. Their first date had been their last one too since she was barely able to stumble from her bed to the bathroom. Her parents, Logan or Jamal carried her downstairs to watch television or eat with them. Logan quickly held her, feeling his own heart squeeze in torment. Joy managed to smile weakly. "Gizmo really likes you Gem."

"He likes everyone," Logan murmured, feeling dread in his stomach that this dog would be useless when his uncle's men came after him. "You can take him out for a walk Gem, I don't mind."

"Really? Okay," Gemma's voice was stable, but no one could miss the new spark in her eyes and the start of an excited grin. "I'll be back soon. JJ, give me a call if you need anything."

'Don't worry about your sister, I'm here." Logan realized that those words came out more possessively than he had intended to.

However, Gemma was busy adoring Gizmo who was rubbing against her leg and didn't pay any heed to Logan. "Bye JJ. Bye Logan."

"Bye Gem," Joy chirped and watched her sister and Gizmo exit. "Now Logan, give me a kiss."

"Are you sure? How are you feeling---"

Joy had cut him off by pulling down his collar and smashing her lips to his.

"Goddamn," Logan breathed, fascinated of her strength. She had moisterized her lips, he could taste it. "Continue."

Joy's lips were moving tentatively and sweetly, but Logan couldn't take this torture anymore. He took charge of the kiss, feeling brave and proud that he wasn't bad at this. Joy kissed wonderfully and he did too, he knew it by the way she responded.

They stopped when Joy became exhausted and her stomach hurt.

She shuffled on the bed, making some space for Logan to lie down. Shoulders touching, hands holding, fingers intertwining and their feet playing with each others, they quietly stared at the white ceiling. Logan shifted the knife in his pocket, it was poking dangerously at his thigh. The simple kitchen knife was for protection against his uncle. He heard Joy sigh dreamily and he froze. 

"One day, I won't be able to kiss you anymore. Oh God, you remind me of all the good things I'll be missing out in life," she said with a soft laugh.

"Does that make you sad?"

She turned to him, letting go of his hand and resting her head on her arm. He also moved his body to face her. Under the natural sunlight filtering in the room, her pale face became slightly luminous. Her clear blue eyes held mischief in them and a crooked smile was plastered on her face. He slid his hand in her blonde hair, twirling the irregularly grown strands.

She said humorously, "I should be sad, but I'm not. I'm happy that I got to experience all this, you know? It's reminding me of all that I'm going to miss out on, but it also gives me the heart swelling satisfaction that I experienced life. Life could have been so much worse for me, but it's not. At least I was born. I lived to see a part of the world that some people haven't in their entire lives. Like a dying girl's wish about getting loved unconditionally by a special boy was fulfilled!"

Logan chuckled, trying to suppress the warmth spreading over him like melted butter on hot toast."You're loved by everyone around you Joy."

She gently slapped his arm. "You know what I mean and I'm awfully thankful for that. But I'm sure all this gratitude disappear into thin air when I feel another episode of excruciating pain."

"That's only human." He smiled at her honesty, his smile widening when she poked at his dimples.

"They're talking about moving me to the hospice care centre." She changed her position now, showing her back to him because her body hurt. Logan put his arms around her waist, spooning her. She snuggled closer to him. "I'm going to miss this house, but I know I can make my home anywhere. The saying goes like that right, home is where the heart is. You guys are going to be there with me always, even when sometimes I want my me time. Especially you and maa. Somedays even Gem."

"Sorry for troubling you," he said gaily. "But you can't get rid of us."

"I don't think I want to. Although I want you to spend less time with me---"


"---and concentrate on college and your job. I don't want you to fail because of me."

"I won't fail because of anybody, I promise," he said desperately. "Don't keep me away from you."

She started to ramble, "I won't . . . But it's okay if somedays you have to work extra hours or finish with any project or-or hang out with your other friends. I understand---"

"Please shut this Joy, I love you and I love being here," he intervened and she became silent. He imagined her smile again.

"Even with the vomit smell?"

"Even with the vomit smell," he confirmed, earning a playful kick from her.

She mumbled, her voice drowsy, "This was the best summer of my life even with the ups and downs. Mostly because of the ups."

"Go to sleep Joy."

"Okay." She fell asleep as Logan tenderly massaged her back, taking as much pain as he could from her and throwing it somewhere far away.

However, his pain was waiting patiently for him, somewhere close by.

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