new books!

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As promised, my new novel is out-

When Bluebirds Fly.

Mariana Martin, an introverted and pessimist girl's diary gets stolen and instead of looking for it, she takes this as a golden opportunity to erase her dark past and leave behind all her horrifying memories. She starts to recollect all the moments which warmed her bitter soul and she's mildly surprised that nearly all of them has her childhood ex-best friend in it, Isaac Connor. He's a big-hearted boy with unruly hair who is persistent on rekindling their friendship and perhaps something more which she 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 doesn't want . . .

But the tormenting past always catches up to her in the form of her next-door neighbour who can't take his leering eyes off her.

It's available on my profile, you can check it out ❤

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I recently finished a short story (also available on my profile) it's called-

Where Jezebel Went.

❝where did jezebel go?❞

In which Liam's enigmatic girlfriend disappears.

She disappears leaving behind a broken heart, a thirst to kill and a cobweb of deceit.

[Told through a series of text messages]

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